CAT policies.

From           Sida Zhou, Vaughn Zechmann, Zhiw Wang, Hongfei Wu.
Organization   PSU
Date           1995

This is partial codes of the Unate function project, The code 
is try to implement the Quine_McCluskey methods in a parallel fashion
by define each process hold one term, The term is hold is such a 
order that each process only differ in one positive literal. SO that
the process only need to get imformation from it right. but due to time
constrains, We have not be able to finish it, but all the code code here
compiled and partially simulated. if we have time, we will continune this


library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity unate_machine is 
	port( CLK: in qsim_state;
        COUT:  out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0)
	end unate_machine;

architecture behavior of unate_machine is
USE WORK.Quine_McCluskey_def.ALL;

signal P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5: qsim_state:='0';
signal OP_CODE: qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0):="000";

component paralell_process
	port( CLK: in qsim_state;
			OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0);
			COUT:  out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
			PP0, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4: out qsim_state
end component;

component unate_ctr
	port(	P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,CLK: in qsim_state;
			C: out qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;


   U1: paralell_process port map (CLK,OP_CODE,COUT,P0,P1,P2,P3,P4);
   U2: unate_ctr port map (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,CLK,OP_CODE);

end behavior; 

library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- The unate_ctr Entity Description

ENTITY unate_ctr IS
		P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,CLK: in qsim_state;
		C: out qsim_state_vector (2 downto 0));
END unate_ctr ;

ARCHITECTURE behavior of unate_ctr IS
	type STATE_TYPE is (S0,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5);


-- Process to hold synchronous elements
SYNCH: process
	wait until CLK'event and CLK = '1';
end process;

-- Process to hold unate_machine's logic
		when S0 =>
		if (P0='0') then
        C <= "000";
		  NEXT_STATE <= S1;
      end if;

	   when S1 =>
		if ((P0='1') and (P1='0')) then
		   C <= "001";
		   NEXT_STATE <= S2;
		end if;
		when S2 =>
		if ((P0='1') and (P1='1') and (P2='0') and (P3='1')) then
		   C <= "010";
		   NEXT_STATE <= S2;
		elsif ((P0='1') and (P1='1') and (P2='1') and (P3='0')) then
			C <= "011";
		end if;

		when S3 =>
		if ((P0='1') and (P1='1') and (P2='0') and (P3='1')) then
			C <= "010";
			NEXT_STATE <= S2;
      elsif (P4='1') then
			C <= "100";
		end if;
		when S4 =>
		if (P5='1') then
			C <= "101";
      	NEXT_STATE <= S5;
		end if;

		when S5 =>

		   NEXT_STATE <= S5;
	end case;
end process UNATE_STATE;
end behavior;
library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- Process_Cell Entity Description
entity Process_Cell is
	DIN_RIGHT:  in qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
	DOUT_LEFT:  out qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
	P0, P1, P2, P3: out qsim_state;
	PROCESS_NUM: in integer range 0 to 255;
	CLK: in qsim_state;
	OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector (2 downto 0));
end Process_Cell;

-- Process_Cell Architecture Description
architecture rtl of Process_Cell is
USE WORK.Quine_McCluskey_def.ALL;

-- Declare the ram memory
   signal RAM_SHIFT: ram_memory;
   signal RAM_RESULT: ram_memory;
   signal SHIFT_INDEX: integer range 0 to ram_adrs;
   signal RESULT_INDEX: integer range 0 to ram_adrs;


   MAIN_Process: process(CLK, DIN_RIGHT, PROCESS_NUM)
      variable pnum, num_of_ones: integer range 0 to 255;
      variable ram_index_shift, ram_index_result: integer range 0 to 255;
      variable temp_index_shift, count: integer range 0 to 255;
      variable temp_in, temp_st: qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
      variable temp_rs, temp_out: qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
      variable switch_flag, chk_rls: qsim_state;
      variable RAM_temp: ram_memory;
      if(CLK = '1') then
      -- the process is responsed with clock cycle.

	when "000" =>
	   -- Reset the process cell
	   SHIFT_INDEX <= 0;
	   RESULT_INDEX <= 0;
	   for i in 0 to ram_adrs loop
	      RAM_SHIFT(i) <= "1111111111111111";
	      RAM_RESULT(i) <= "1111111111111111";
	   end loop;
	   P0 <= '1';

	when "001" =>
	   -- Load the machine i.e. the memorys 
	   pnum := PROCESS_NUM;
	   ram_index_shift := 0;
	   num_of_ones := 0;
	   temp_in := rom(ram_index_shift);
	   while(temp_in /= "1111111111111111") loop
	      temp_st := temp_in and "0101010101010101";
	      for i in 0 to 15 loop
				if(temp_st(i) = '1') then
					num_of_ones := num_of_ones + 1;
				end if;
	      end loop;
	      if(num_of_ones = pnum) then
				RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_shift) <= temp_in;
	      end if;
	      ram_index_shift := ram_index_shift + 1;
	      temp_in := rom(ram_index_shift);
	   end loop;
	   P1 <= '1';
	when "010" =>
	   -- Starting the operations
		temp_in := DIN_RIGHT;
	   ram_index_result := RESULT_INDEX;
	   switch_flag := '0';
	   count := 0;
	   if(temp_in /= "1111111111111111") then
	      temp_index_shift := 0;
	      temp_rs := RAM_SHIFT(temp_index_shift);
	      while(temp_rs /= "1111111111111111") loop
	         look_for_solution(temp_in, temp_rs, temp_out, chk_rls);
				if(chk_rls = '1') then
					switch_flag := '1';
					count := count + 1;
					RAM_temp(count) := temp_out;
				end if;
	         temp_index_shift := temp_index_shift + 1;
	         temp_rs := RAM_SHIFT(temp_index_shift);
	      end loop;
	      if(switch_flag = '1') then
				RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result) <= temp_in;
				ram_index_result := ram_index_result + 1;
				for i in 1 to count loop
					RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result) <= temp_in;
					ram_index_result := ram_index_result + 1;
				end loop;
	      end if;
	      ram_index_shift := SHIFT_INDEX;
	      ram_index_shift := ram_index_shift + 1;
	      SHIFT_INDEX <= ram_index_shift;
	      RESULT_INDEX <= ram_index_result;
	      DOUT_LEFT <= RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_shift);
			P2 <= '1';
			P3 <= '0';
		end if;

	when "011" =>
	   -- Paraper for the next simplification 
	   ram_index_result := 0;
	   temp_rs := RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result);
	   if(temp_rs /= "1111111111111111") then
	      while(temp_rs /= "1111111111111111") loop
				RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_result) <= RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result);
				RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result) <= "1111111111111111";
	         ram_index_result := ram_index_result + 1;
	      end loop;
	      P3 <= '1';
	      P2 <= '0';
	      SHIFT_INDEX <= 0;
	      RESULT_INDEX <= 0;
	      DOUT_LEFT <= RAM_SHIFT(0);
	      ram_index_shift := SHIFT_INDEX;
	      for i in 0 to ram_index_shift loop
	         RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_shift) <= "1111111111111111";
	      end loop;
	      SHIFT_INDEX <= 0;
	      RESULT_INDEX <= 0;
	      DOUT_LEFT <= RAM_SHIFT(0);
	      P3 <= '1';
	      P2 <= '0';
	   end if;

	end CASE;

	end if;
   end process MAIN_Process;

end rtl;
library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity paralell_process is 
  port( CLK: in qsim_state;
        OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0);
        COUT:  out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
		  PP0, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4: out qsim_state
  end paralell_process;

architecture behavior of paralell_process is
USE WORK.Quine_McCluskey_def.ALL;

signal CONNECT: ram_memory;
signal P0: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000"; 
signal P1: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000"; 
signal P2: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000"; 
signal P3: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
signal P_END: qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0):="1111111111111111";
signal PNUM0: integer range 0 to 255 := 1; 
signal PNUM1: integer range 0 to 255 := 2; 
signal PNUM2: integer range 0 to 255 := 3; 
signal PNUM3: integer range 0 to 255 := 4; 
signal PNUM4: integer range 0 to 255 := 5; 
signal PNUM5: integer range 0 to 255 := 6; 
signal PNUM6: integer range 0 to 255 := 7; 
signal PNUM7: integer range 0 to 255 := 8; 

component process_cell 
	port(DIN_RIGHT: in qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
	     DOUT_LEFT: out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
	     P0, P1, P2, P3: out qsim_state;
	     PROCESS_NUM: in integer range 0 to 255;
	     CLK: in qsim_state;
	     OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;

component comb_signal
	port(P0,P1,P2,P3: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		  PP0,PP1,PP2,PP3,PP4: out qsim_state
end component;


	U0:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(0), COUT, P0(0), P1(0), 
	     P2(0), P3(0), PNUM0, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U1:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(1), CONNECT(0), P0(1), 
	     P1(1), P2(1), P3(1), PNUM1, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U2:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(2), CONNECT(1), P0(2), 
	     P1(2), P2(2), P3(2), PNUM2, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U3:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(3), CONNECT(2), P0(3), 
	     P1(3), P2(3), P3(3), PNUM3, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U4:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(4), CONNECT(3), P0(4), 
	     P1(4), P2(4), P3(4),PNUM4, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U5:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(5), CONNECT(4), P0(5), 
	     P1(5), P2(5), P3(5), PNUM5, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U6:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(6), CONNECT(5), P0(6), 
	     P1(6), P2(6), P3(6), PNUM6, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U7:  process_cell port map (P_END, CONNECT(6), P0(7), 
	     P1(7), P2(7), P3(7), PNUM7, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U8:  comb_signal port map (P0,P1,P2,P3,PP0,PP1,PP2,PP3,PP4);

end behavior;
library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity comb_signal is 
		P0,P1,P2,P3: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0); 
		PP0, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4: out qsim_state
   end comb_signal;

architecture behavior of comb_signal is
Signal count: integer range 0 to 255 := 8;


   SET_Process: process(P0, P1, P2, P3)

      if(P0 = "11111111") then
			PP0 <= '1';
			PP0 <= '0';
      end if;
      if(P1 = "11111111") then
			PP1 <= '1';
      end if;

      if(P2 = "11111111") then
			PP2 <= '1';
      end if;
      if(P3 = "11111111") then
			PP3 <= '1';
			count <= count - 1;
      end if;

      if(count = 0) then
			PP4 <= '1';
      end if;

	end process SET_Process;

end behavior;
-- This is package for the Unate function machine 
-- In this package, there are definitions of RAM and 
-- other functions.

LIBRARY mgc_portable;
USE mgc_portable.qsim_logic.ALL;

PACKAGE Quine_McCluskey_def IS

-- Declare the RAM structure
	subtype ram_word is qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
	type ram_memory is array (255 downto 0) of ram_word;

-- Declare the ram_adrs as a constant
	constant ram_adrs: integer := 25;

-- Declare the rom length, which is decided by your satisfiability function
	constant rom_range: integer := 6;

-- Declare the tri_count carry out index, so that for small satisfiability
-- function (less than 8 variables) you do not need to go all the way to 
-- 16 bits.
	constant cy_index: integer := 3;

-- Declare a type for the purpose of array
	type int_array is array (integer range 0 to 25) of integer;

-- Define a ROM to store the any given satisfiability function.
	type rom_table is array (6 downto 0) of ram_word;

-- Define a procedure to resolve some of the iterms
	PROCEDURE look_for_solution(DIN_A, DIN_B: in qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
   DOUT: out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0); chk_rls: out qsim_state);
-- Store the following Given Function in a given ROM.
-- The Satisfiability functoion is as follows:
-- F=SUM(4,20,21,36,52,53,54,55)
-- Also follow the convertion 01--negative, 10-positive, 00-donot care
	constant rom: rom_table:=rom_table'(
		"0000000010001010",				-- ROM content

END Quine_McCluskey_def;

PACKAGE BODY Quine_McCluskey_def IS

PROCEDURE look_for_solution(DIN_A, DIN_B: in qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
DOUT: out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0); chk_rls: out qsim_state) IS

variable eq_ident: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
variable num_ones: integer:=0;
variable j: integer;

   for i in 1 to 8 loop
		eq_ident(i-1):=((not DIN_A(j-1))and(not DIN_A(j))and(not DIN_B(j-1))and(not DIN_B(j)))
                 		or((not DIN_A(j-1))and(    DIN_A(j))and(not DIN_B(j-1))and(    DIN_B(j)))
                 		or((    DIN_A(j-1))and(not DIN_A(j))and(    DIN_B(j-1))and(not DIN_B(j)));
		if(eq_ident(i-1)='1') then
    	end if;
   end loop;
	if(num_ones=1) then
		DOUT :=DIN_A and DIN_B;
		chk_rls :='1';
		DOUT :="1111111111111111";
 		chk_rls :='0';
   end if;

  end look_for_solution;

end Quine_McCluskey_def;

From Fri Dec  9 11:13:03 1994
Received: from by (4.1/CATastrophe-9/19/94-P)
	id AA03787; Fri, 9 Dec 94 11:13:01 PST
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	id AA03282; Fri, 9 Dec 94 11:13:02 PST
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 94 11:13:02 PST
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Status: R

Hi Dr. Perkowski:

This is partial codes of the Unate function project, The code 
is try to implement the Quine_McCluskey methods in a parallel fashion
by define each process hold one term, The term is hold is such a 
order that each process only differ in one positive literal. SO that
the process only need to get imformation from it right. but due to time
constrains, We have not be able to finish it, but all the code code here
compiled and partially simulated. if we have time, we will continune this

Sida Zhou, Vaughn Zechmann, Zhiw Wang, Hongfei Wu.


library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity unate_machine is 
	port( CLK: in qsim_state;
        COUT:  out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0)
	end unate_machine;

architecture behavior of unate_machine is
USE WORK.Quine_McCluskey_def.ALL;

signal P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5: qsim_state:='0';
signal OP_CODE: qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0):="000";

component paralell_process
	port( CLK: in qsim_state;
			OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0);
			COUT:  out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
			PP0, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4: out qsim_state
end component;

component unate_ctr
	port(	P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,CLK: in qsim_state;
			C: out qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;


   U1: paralell_process port map (CLK,OP_CODE,COUT,P0,P1,P2,P3,P4);
   U2: unate_ctr port map (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,CLK,OP_CODE);

end behavior; 

library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- The unate_ctr Entity Description

ENTITY unate_ctr IS
		P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,CLK: in qsim_state;
		C: out qsim_state_vector (2 downto 0));
END unate_ctr ;

ARCHITECTURE behavior of unate_ctr IS
	type STATE_TYPE is (S0,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5);


-- Process to hold synchronous elements
SYNCH: process
	wait until CLK'event and CLK = '1';
end process;

-- Process to hold unate_machine's logic
		when S0 =>
		if (P0='0') then
        C <= "000";
		  NEXT_STATE <= S1;
      end if;

	   when S1 =>
		if ((P0='1') and (P1='0')) then
		   C <= "001";
		   NEXT_STATE <= S2;
		end if;
		when S2 =>
		if ((P0='1') and (P1='1') and (P2='0') and (P3='1')) then
		   C <= "010";
		   NEXT_STATE <= S2;
		elsif ((P0='1') and (P1='1') and (P2='1') and (P3='0')) then
			C <= "011";
		end if;

		when S3 =>
		if ((P0='1') and (P1='1') and (P2='0') and (P3='1')) then
			C <= "010";
			NEXT_STATE <= S2;
      elsif (P4='1') then
			C <= "100";
		end if;
		when S4 =>
		if (P5='1') then
			C <= "101";
      	NEXT_STATE <= S5;
		end if;

		when S5 =>

		   NEXT_STATE <= S5;
	end case;
end process UNATE_STATE;
end behavior;
library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- Process_Cell Entity Description
entity Process_Cell is
	DIN_RIGHT:  in qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
	DOUT_LEFT:  out qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
	P0, P1, P2, P3: out qsim_state;
	PROCESS_NUM: in integer range 0 to 255;
	CLK: in qsim_state;
	OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector (2 downto 0));
end Process_Cell;

-- Process_Cell Architecture Description
architecture rtl of Process_Cell is
USE WORK.Quine_McCluskey_def.ALL;

-- Declare the ram memory
   signal RAM_SHIFT: ram_memory;
   signal RAM_RESULT: ram_memory;
   signal SHIFT_INDEX: integer range 0 to ram_adrs;
   signal RESULT_INDEX: integer range 0 to ram_adrs;


   MAIN_Process: process(CLK, DIN_RIGHT, PROCESS_NUM)
      variable pnum, num_of_ones: integer range 0 to 255;
      variable ram_index_shift, ram_index_result: integer range 0 to 255;
      variable temp_index_shift, count: integer range 0 to 255;
      variable temp_in, temp_st: qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
      variable temp_rs, temp_out: qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
      variable switch_flag, chk_rls: qsim_state;
      variable RAM_temp: ram_memory;
      if(CLK = '1') then
      -- the process is responsed with clock cycle.

	when "000" =>
	   -- Reset the process cell
	   SHIFT_INDEX <= 0;
	   RESULT_INDEX <= 0;
	   for i in 0 to ram_adrs loop
	      RAM_SHIFT(i) <= "1111111111111111";
	      RAM_RESULT(i) <= "1111111111111111";
	   end loop;
	   P0 <= '1';

	when "001" =>
	   -- Load the machine i.e. the memorys 
	   pnum := PROCESS_NUM;
	   ram_index_shift := 0;
	   num_of_ones := 0;
	   temp_in := rom(ram_index_shift);
	   while(temp_in /= "1111111111111111") loop
	      temp_st := temp_in and "0101010101010101";
	      for i in 0 to 15 loop
				if(temp_st(i) = '1') then
					num_of_ones := num_of_ones + 1;
				end if;
	      end loop;
	      if(num_of_ones = pnum) then
				RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_shift) <= temp_in;
	      end if;
	      ram_index_shift := ram_index_shift + 1;
	      temp_in := rom(ram_index_shift);
	   end loop;
	   P1 <= '1';
	when "010" =>
	   -- Starting the operations
		temp_in := DIN_RIGHT;
	   ram_index_result := RESULT_INDEX;
	   switch_flag := '0';
	   count := 0;
	   if(temp_in /= "1111111111111111") then
	      temp_index_shift := 0;
	      temp_rs := RAM_SHIFT(temp_index_shift);
	      while(temp_rs /= "1111111111111111") loop
	         look_for_solution(temp_in, temp_rs, temp_out, chk_rls);
				if(chk_rls = '1') then
					switch_flag := '1';
					count := count + 1;
					RAM_temp(count) := temp_out;
				end if;
	         temp_index_shift := temp_index_shift + 1;
	         temp_rs := RAM_SHIFT(temp_index_shift);
	      end loop;
	      if(switch_flag = '1') then
				RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result) <= temp_in;
				ram_index_result := ram_index_result + 1;
				for i in 1 to count loop
					RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result) <= temp_in;
					ram_index_result := ram_index_result + 1;
				end loop;
	      end if;
	      ram_index_shift := SHIFT_INDEX;
	      ram_index_shift := ram_index_shift + 1;
	      SHIFT_INDEX <= ram_index_shift;
	      RESULT_INDEX <= ram_index_result;
	      DOUT_LEFT <= RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_shift);
			P2 <= '1';
			P3 <= '0';
		end if;

	when "011" =>
	   -- Paraper for the next simplification 
	   ram_index_result := 0;
	   temp_rs := RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result);
	   if(temp_rs /= "1111111111111111") then
	      while(temp_rs /= "1111111111111111") loop
				RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_result) <= RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result);
				RAM_RESULT(ram_index_result) <= "1111111111111111";
	         ram_index_result := ram_index_result + 1;
	      end loop;
	      P3 <= '1';
	      P2 <= '0';
	      SHIFT_INDEX <= 0;
	      RESULT_INDEX <= 0;
	      DOUT_LEFT <= RAM_SHIFT(0);
	      ram_index_shift := SHIFT_INDEX;
	      for i in 0 to ram_index_shift loop
	         RAM_SHIFT(ram_index_shift) <= "1111111111111111";
	      end loop;
	      SHIFT_INDEX <= 0;
	      RESULT_INDEX <= 0;
	      DOUT_LEFT <= RAM_SHIFT(0);
	      P3 <= '1';
	      P2 <= '0';
	   end if;

	end CASE;

	end if;
   end process MAIN_Process;

end rtl;
library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity paralell_process is 
  port( CLK: in qsim_state;
        OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0);
        COUT:  out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
		  PP0, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4: out qsim_state
  end paralell_process;

architecture behavior of paralell_process is
USE WORK.Quine_McCluskey_def.ALL;

signal CONNECT: ram_memory;
signal P0: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000"; 
signal P1: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000"; 
signal P2: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000"; 
signal P3: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
signal P_END: qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0):="1111111111111111";
signal PNUM0: integer range 0 to 255 := 1; 
signal PNUM1: integer range 0 to 255 := 2; 
signal PNUM2: integer range 0 to 255 := 3; 
signal PNUM3: integer range 0 to 255 := 4; 
signal PNUM4: integer range 0 to 255 := 5; 
signal PNUM5: integer range 0 to 255 := 6; 
signal PNUM6: integer range 0 to 255 := 7; 
signal PNUM7: integer range 0 to 255 := 8; 

component process_cell 
	port(DIN_RIGHT: in qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
	     DOUT_LEFT: out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
	     P0, P1, P2, P3: out qsim_state;
	     PROCESS_NUM: in integer range 0 to 255;
	     CLK: in qsim_state;
	     OP_CODE: in qsim_state_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;

component comb_signal
	port(P0,P1,P2,P3: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		  PP0,PP1,PP2,PP3,PP4: out qsim_state
end component;


	U0:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(0), COUT, P0(0), P1(0), 
	     P2(0), P3(0), PNUM0, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U1:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(1), CONNECT(0), P0(1), 
	     P1(1), P2(1), P3(1), PNUM1, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U2:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(2), CONNECT(1), P0(2), 
	     P1(2), P2(2), P3(2), PNUM2, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U3:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(3), CONNECT(2), P0(3), 
	     P1(3), P2(3), P3(3), PNUM3, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U4:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(4), CONNECT(3), P0(4), 
	     P1(4), P2(4), P3(4),PNUM4, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U5:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(5), CONNECT(4), P0(5), 
	     P1(5), P2(5), P3(5), PNUM5, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U6:  process_cell port map (CONNECT(6), CONNECT(5), P0(6), 
	     P1(6), P2(6), P3(6), PNUM6, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U7:  process_cell port map (P_END, CONNECT(6), P0(7), 
	     P1(7), P2(7), P3(7), PNUM7, CLK, OP_CODE);
	U8:  comb_signal port map (P0,P1,P2,P3,PP0,PP1,PP2,PP3,PP4);

end behavior;
library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity comb_signal is 
		P0,P1,P2,P3: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0); 
		PP0, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4: out qsim_state
   end comb_signal;

architecture behavior of comb_signal is
Signal count: integer range 0 to 255 := 8;


   SET_Process: process(P0, P1, P2, P3)

      if(P0 = "11111111") then
			PP0 <= '1';
			PP0 <= '0';
      end if;
      if(P1 = "11111111") then
			PP1 <= '1';
      end if;

      if(P2 = "11111111") then
			PP2 <= '1';
      end if;
      if(P3 = "11111111") then
			PP3 <= '1';
			count <= count - 1;
      end if;

      if(count = 0) then
			PP4 <= '1';
      end if;

	end process SET_Process;

end behavior;
-- This is package for the Unate function machine 
-- In this package, there are definitions of RAM and 
-- other functions.

LIBRARY mgc_portable;
USE mgc_portable.qsim_logic.ALL;

PACKAGE Quine_McCluskey_def IS

-- Declare the RAM structure
	subtype ram_word is qsim_state_vector (15 downto 0);
	type ram_memory is array (255 downto 0) of ram_word;

-- Declare the ram_adrs as a constant
	constant ram_adrs: integer := 25;

-- Declare the rom length, which is decided by your satisfiability function
	constant rom_range: integer := 6;

-- Declare the tri_count carry out index, so that for small satisfiability
-- function (less than 8 variables) you do not need to go all the way to 
-- 16 bits.
	constant cy_index: integer := 3;

-- Declare a type for the purpose of array
	type int_array is array (integer range 0 to 25) of integer;

-- Define a ROM to store the any given satisfiability function.
	type rom_table is array (6 downto 0) of ram_word;

-- Define a procedure to resolve some of the iterms
	PROCEDURE look_for_solution(DIN_A, DIN_B: in qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
   DOUT: out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0); chk_rls: out qsim_state);
-- Store the following Given Function in a given ROM.
-- The Satisfiability functoion is as follows:
-- F=SUM(4,20,21,36,52,53,54,55)
-- Also follow the convertion 01--negative, 10-positive, 00-donot care
	constant rom: rom_table:=rom_table'(
		"0000000010001010",				-- ROM content

END Quine_McCluskey_def;

PACKAGE BODY Quine_McCluskey_def IS

PROCEDURE look_for_solution(DIN_A, DIN_B: in qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0);
DOUT: out qsim_state_vector(15 downto 0); chk_rls: out qsim_state) IS

variable eq_ident: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
variable num_ones: integer:=0;
variable j: integer;

   for i in 1 to 8 loop
		eq_ident(i-1):=((not DIN_A(j-1))and(not DIN_A(j))and(not DIN_B(j-1))and(not DIN_B(j)))
                 		or((not DIN_A(j-1))and(    DIN_A(j))and(not DIN_B(j-1))and(    DIN_B(j)))
                 		or((    DIN_A(j-1))and(not DIN_A(j))and(    DIN_B(j-1))and(not DIN_B(j)));
		if(eq_ident(i-1)='1') then
    	end if;
   end loop;
	if(num_ones=1) then
		DOUT :=DIN_A and DIN_B;
		chk_rls :='1';
		DOUT :="1111111111111111";
 		chk_rls :='0';
   end if;

  end look_for_solution;

end Quine_McCluskey_def;
