CAT policies.

From            Zsida Zhou.
Organization    PSU
Date            1995

library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Description of this programm
--	This is a program to solve greatest common deviser
--	of any given two integers.
-- Signal Description
--	In the main programm following signal is used
--	1) X, Y input of any two integer < 255.
--	2) Z the output signal of the program.
--	3) CLK the Clock.
--	4) PP1, PP2 Output of the comparator.
--	5) CC1, CC2, CC3 are control signal to control
--	   the flow of this program.
--	6) SUBB is a signal to control the adder to adder or 
--	   subtract, in this program is '1', which mean subtract.
-- Component Description
--	There are four components in this program.
--	1) Controller: which is the control units of this program.
--	2) comparator: to comparator to numbers.
--	3) AU, AU1: are adder/subtractors.
--	4) Buffer_trans: Put the final results to Z.

-- Deviser Entity Description
entity Deviser is
		X,Y: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		CLK:	in qsim_state;
      Z: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0)
end Deviser;

-- Deviser Architecture Description
architecture Adv of Deviser is

   signal PP1,PP2, CC1, CC2, CC3: qsim_state;
	signal CCOUT1, CCOUT2: qsim_state;
	signal DD1,DD2: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal SUBB: qsim_state:='1';
	component Controller
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component AU
      A: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

component AU1
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component comparator
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component Buf_trans
			A1: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			Q1_OUT: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			C3,CLK: in qsim_state
		end component;

	U1: comparator port map (X,Y,PP1);
	U2: comparator port map (Y,X,PP2);
	U3: Controller port map (PP1,PP2,CLK,CC1,CC2,CC3);
	U4: AU port map (X,Y,SUBB,CC1,CLK,CCOUT1);
	U5: AU1 port map (X,Y,SUBB,CC2,CLK,CCOUT2);
	U6: Buf_trans port map (X,Z,CC3,CLK);

end Adv;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Controller Entity Description
entity Controller is
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3: out qsim_state
end Controller;

-- Controller Architecture Description
-- The Controller realize the following relations:
-- 	Q'=P1BARP2BAR + Q
--		C1=QBARP1

architecture ctl of Controller is
	signal pre_C1, pre_C2, pre_C3: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ, DD: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQBAR: qsim_state:='1';

	component Flip_Flop
			D,CLK: in qsim_state;
      	Q,QBAR: out qsim_state
		end component;

   Controller_Process: process(P1, P2, QQ, CLK)

		DD <= (QQ or ((not P1) and (not P2)));
		pre_C3 <= ((not QQ) and ((not P1) and (not P2)));
		pre_C2 <= ((not P1) and P2 and (not QQ));
		pre_C1 <= (P1 and (not QQ));

   end process Controller_Process;

	U1: Flip_Flop port map(DD,CLK,QQ,QQBAR);
   -- Assign outputs
   C1 <= pre_C1;
	C2 <= pre_C2;
	C3 <= pre_C3;
end ctl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU Entity Description
entity AU is
      A: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU;

-- AU Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB,A,B)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (ENB='1')) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & A;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not B;
            b_ext := '0' & B;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   BUF_A: BLOCK(not CLK'STABLE and CLK = '0')
        A <=  guarded A when ENB ='0' else pre_D(7 downto 0) ;
   end BLOCK BUF_A;

   -- Assign flags
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU1 Entity Description
entity AU1 is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU1;

-- AU1 Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU1 is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB,A,B)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (ENB='1')) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & B;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not A;
            b_ext := '0' & A;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   BUF_B: BLOCK(not CLK'STABLE and CLK = '0')
        B <=  guarded B when ENB ='0' else pre_D(7 downto 0) ;
   end BLOCK BUF_B;

   -- Assign flags
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- comparator Entity Description
entity comparator is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
end comparator;

-- comparator Architecture Description
architecture rtl of comparator is
	COMPARATOR_process: process(A,B)
   	-- A > B
   	gt <= (A > B);
	end process COMPARATOR_process;
end rtl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Buf Entity Description
entity Buf_trans is
      A1: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		Q1_OUT: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		C3, CLK: in qsim_state
end Buf_trans;

-- Buf_trans Architecture Description

architecture btl of Buf_trans is


BUF_C: BLOCK(C3 = '1')
	Q1_OUT <=  guarded A1 when C3 ='1' else "XXXXXXXX";

end btl;


From Fri Nov 18 00:25:31 1994


library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Description of this programm
--	This is a program to solve greatest common deviser
--	of any given two integers. This is a different realization.
-- Signal Description
--	In the main programm following signal is used
--	1) X, Y input of any two integer < 255.
--	2) Z the output signal of the program.
--	3) CLK the Clock.
--	4) PP1, PP2 Output of the comparator.
--	5) CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CC6  are control signal to 
--	   control the flow of this program.
--	6) SUBB is a signal to control the adder to adder or 
--	   subtract, in this program is '1', which mean subtract.
--	7) U is intermediate signal.
-- Component Description
--	There are four components in this program.
--	1) Controller: which is the control units of this program.
--	2) comparator: to comparator to numbers.
--	3) AU3: are adder/subtractors.
--	4) rgst: It is the shift register.
--	5) rgst1: It is mux, to resolve the signals.

-- Alt_Deviser Entity Description
entity Alt_Deviser is
		X,Y: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		CLK:	in qsim_state;
      Z: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0)
end Alt_Deviser;

-- Alt_Deviser Architecture Description
architecture Adv of Alt_Deviser is

   signal PP1,PP2, CC1, CC2, CC3: qsim_state;
	signal CC4, CC5, CC6, CCOUT1: qsim_state;
	signal U,DD1,DD2: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal SUBB: qsim_state:='1';
	component alt_ctr
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component AU3
      A, B:  in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		D: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB1,ENB2, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component comparator
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component rgst
			DIN_OUT: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			D_IN: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			C: in qsim_state
		end component;
	component rgst1
			DIN_OUT: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			D_IN,D_IN2: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			C1, C2: qsim_state
		end component;

	U1: comparator port map (X,Y,PP1);
	U2: comparator port map (Y,X,PP2);
	U3: alt_ctr port map (PP1,PP2,CLK,CC1,CC2,CC3,CC4,CC5,CC6);
	U4: AU3 port map (X,Y,DD1,SUBB,CC1,CC5,CLK,CCOUT1);
	U5: rgst port map (U,Y,CC2);
	U6: rgst port map (Y,X,CC3);
	U7: rgst port map (DD2,U,CC4);
	U8: rgst port map (Z,X,CC6);
	U9: rgst1 port map (X,DD1,DD2,CC1,CC4);

end Adv;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Alt_Ctr Entity Description
entity alt_ctr is
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6: out qsim_state
end alt_ctr;

-- Atl_Ctr Architecture Description
-- The Controller realize the following relations:
--		Q2'=Q1BARQQ3
--		Q3'=Q1BARQ2BAR(Q3+P1BARP2)
--		C5 =Q1BARQ2Q3BAR
--		C4 =Q1BARQ2Q3
--		C3 =Q1BARQ2BARQ3

architecture ctl of alt_ctr is
	signal pre_C1, pre_C2, pre_C3: qsim_state:='0';
	signal pre_C4, pre_C5, pre_C6: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ1, DD1: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ2, DD2: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ3, DD3: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQBAR1, QQBAR2, QQBAR3: qsim_state:='1';

	component Flip_Flop
			D,CLK: in qsim_state;
      	Q,QBAR: out qsim_state
		end component;

   Controller_Process: process(P1,P2,QQ1,QQ2,QQ3)

		DD1 <= (((not QQ2) and (not QQ3)) and (QQ1 or ((not P1) and (not P2))));
		DD2 <= ((not QQ1) and QQ3);
		DD3 <= (((not QQ1) and (not QQ2)) and (QQ3 or ((not P1) and P2)));
		pre_C6 <= ((not QQ1) and (not QQ2) and (not QQ3) and (not P1) and (not P2));
		pre_C5 <= ((not QQ1) and QQ2 and (not QQ3));
		pre_C4 <= ((not QQ1) and QQ2 and QQ3);
		pre_C3 <= ((not QQ1) and (not QQ2) and QQ3);
		pre_C2 <= ((not QQ1) and (not QQ2) and (not QQ3) and (not P1) and P2);
		pre_C1 <= ((not QQ1) and (not QQ2) and (not QQ3) and P1);

   end process Controller_Process;

	U1: Flip_Flop port map(DD1,CLK,QQ1,QQBAR1);
	U2: Flip_Flop port map(DD2,CLK,QQ2,QQBAR2); 
	U3: Flip_Flop port map(DD3,CLK,QQ3,QQBAR3);

   -- Assign outputs
   C1 <= pre_C1;
	C2 <= pre_C2;
	C3 <= pre_C3;
	C4 <= pre_C4;
	C5 <= pre_C5;
	C6 <= pre_C6;
end ctl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU3 Entity Description
entity AU3 is
      A,B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		D: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB1,ENB2, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU3;

-- AU3 Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU3 is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB1,ENB2,A,B,D)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and ((ENB1='1') or (ENB2='1'))) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & A;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not B;
            b_ext := '0' & B;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   -- Assign flags
	D <= pre_D (7 downto 0);
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- comparator Entity Description
entity comparator is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
end comparator;

-- comparator Architecture Description
architecture rtl of comparator is
	COMPARATOR_process: process(A,B)
   	-- A > B
   	gt <= (A > B);
	end process COMPARATOR_process;
end rtl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- rgst Entity Description
entity rgst is
      DIN_OUT: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      D_IN: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		C: in qsim_state
end rgst;

-- regiter Architecture Description
architecture BEHAVIOR of rgst is


      DIN_OUT <= guarded DIN_OUT when C='0' else D_IN;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- rgst1 Entity Description
entity rgst1 is
      DIN_OUT: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      D_IN, D_IN2: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		C1, C2, C3: qsim_state
end rgst1;

-- regiter Architecture Description
architecture BEHAVIOR of rgst1 is

   STORE_REGISTER_Process: process

	  wait on D_IN, D_IN2;
	  if(C2 = '1') then
     		DIN_OUT <= D_IN2;
	  elsif ((C1 = '1') or (C3 = '1')) then
			DIN_OUT <=D_IN;
	  end if;

   end process STORE_REGISTER_Process;


From Fri Nov 18 00:25:40 1994
Received: from by (4.1/CATastrophe-9/19/94-P)
	id AA29387; Fri, 18 Nov 94 00:25:38 PST
Received: by (4.1/CATastrophe-6/18/94.1)
	id AA23354; Fri, 18 Nov 94 00:25:38 PST
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 94 00:25:38 PST
Message-Id: <>
Status: RO

library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Description of this programm
--	This is a program to solve smallest common multipler 
--	of any given two integers.
-- Signal Description
--	In the main programm following signal is used
--	1) X, Y input of any two integer < 255.
--	2) Z the output signal of the program.
--	3) CLK the Clock.
--	4) PP1, PP2 Output of the comparator.
--	5) CC1, CC2, CC3 are control signal to control
--	   the flow of this program.
--	6) SUBB is a signal to control the adder to adder or 
--	   subtract, in this program is '0', which mean subtract.
-- Component Description
--	There are four components in this program.
--	1) Controller: which is the control units of this program.
--	2) comparator: to comparator to numbers.
--	3) AU, AU1: are adder/subtractors.
--	4) Buffer_trans: Put the final results to Z.
--	5) INIT: is a register to store the initial value of X,Y.

-- GMultipler Entity Description
entity GMultipler is
		X,Y: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		CLK:	in qsim_state;
      Z: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0)
end GMultipler;

-- GMultipler Architecture Description
architecture Adv of GMultipler is

	signal X0,Y0: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
   signal PP1,PP2, CC1, CC2, CC3: qsim_state;
	signal CCOUT1, CCOUT2: qsim_state;
	signal DD1,DD2: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal SUBB: qsim_state:='0';
	signal first_time: qsim_state:= '1';
	component Controller
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component AU
      A: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

component AU1
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component comparator
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component Buf_trans
			A1: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			Q1_OUT: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			C3,CLK: in qsim_state
		end component;

	component INIT
			A,B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			A0,B0: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			first_time: buffer qsim_state
		end component;


	U1: comparator port map (Y,X,PP1);
	U2: comparator port map (X,Y,PP2);
	U3: Controller port map (PP1,PP2,CLK,CC1,CC2,CC3);
	U4: AU port map (X,X0,SUBB,CC1,CLK,CCOUT1);
	U5: AU1 port map (Y0,Y,SUBB,CC2,CLK,CCOUT2);
	U6: Buf_trans port map (X,Z,CC3,CLK);
	U7: INIT port map (X,Y,X0,Y0,first_time);
end Adv;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Controller Entity Description
entity Controller is
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3: out qsim_state
end Controller;

-- Controller Architecture Description
-- The Controller realize the following relations:
-- 	Q'=P1BARP2BAR + Q
--		C1=QBARP1

architecture ctl of Controller is
	signal pre_C1, pre_C2, pre_C3: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ, DD: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQBAR: qsim_state:='1';

	component Flip_Flop
			D,CLK: in qsim_state;
      	Q,QBAR: out qsim_state
		end component;

   Controller_Process: process(P1, P2, QQ, CLK)

		DD <= (QQ or ((not P1) and (not P2)));
		pre_C3 <= ((not QQ) and ((not P1) and (not P2)));
		pre_C2 <= ((not P1) and P2 and (not QQ));
		pre_C1 <= (P1 and (not QQ));

   end process Controller_Process;

	U1: Flip_Flop port map(DD,CLK,QQ,QQBAR);
   -- Assign outputs
   C1 <= pre_C1;
	C2 <= pre_C2;
	C3 <= pre_C3;
end ctl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU Entity Description
entity AU is
      A: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU;

-- AU Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB,A,B)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (ENB='1')) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & A;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not B;
            b_ext := '0' & B;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   BUF_A: BLOCK(not CLK'STABLE and CLK = '0')
        A <=  guarded A when ENB ='0' else pre_D(7 downto 0) ;
   end BLOCK BUF_A;

   -- Assign flags
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU1 Entity Description
entity AU1 is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU1;

-- AU1 Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU1 is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB,A,B)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (ENB='1')) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & B;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not A;
            b_ext := '0' & A;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   BUF_B: BLOCK(not CLK'STABLE and CLK = '0')
        B <=  guarded B when ENB ='0' else pre_D(7 downto 0) ;
   end BLOCK BUF_B;

   -- Assign flags
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- comparator Entity Description
entity comparator is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
end comparator;

-- comparator Architecture Description
architecture rtl of comparator is
	COMPARATOR_process: process(A,B)
   	-- A > B
   	gt <= (A > B);
	end process COMPARATOR_process;
end rtl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Buf Entity Description
entity Buf_trans is
      A1: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		Q1_OUT: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		C3, CLK: in qsim_state
end Buf_trans;

-- Buf_trans Architecture Description

architecture btl of Buf_trans is


BUF_C: BLOCK(C3 = '1')
	Q1_OUT <=  guarded A1 when C3 ='1' else "XXXXXXXX";

end btl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- INIT Entity Description
entity INIT is
      A,B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      A0,B0: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
      first_time: buffer qsim_state:='1'
end INIT;

-- INIT Architecture Description
architecture rtl of INIT is

        INI_process: process
			  wait for 15ns;
           if(first_time = '1') then
             A0 <= A;
             B0 <= B;
             first_time <= '0';
           end if;
        end process INI_process;
end rtl;


From Fri Nov 18 00:25:40 1994
Received: from by (4.1/CATastrophe-9/19/94-P)
	id AA29387; Fri, 18 Nov 94 00:25:38 PST
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	id AA23354; Fri, 18 Nov 94 00:25:38 PST
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 94 00:25:38 PST
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Status: RO

library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Description of this programm
--	This is a program to solve smallest common multipler 
--	of any given two integers.
-- Signal Description
--	In the main programm following signal is used
--	1) X, Y input of any two integer < 255.
--	2) Z the output signal of the program.
--	3) CLK the Clock.
--	4) PP1, PP2 Output of the comparator.
--	5) CC1, CC2, CC3 are control signal to control
--	   the flow of this program.
--	6) SUBB is a signal to control the adder to adder or 
--	   subtract, in this program is '0', which mean subtract.
-- Component Description
--	There are four components in this program.
--	1) Controller: which is the control units of this program.
--	2) comparator: to comparator to numbers.
--	3) AU, AU1: are adder/subtractors.
--	4) Buffer_trans: Put the final results to Z.
--	5) INIT: is a register to store the initial value of X,Y.

-- GMultipler Entity Description
entity GMultipler is
		X,Y: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		CLK:	in qsim_state;
      Z: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0)
end GMultipler;

-- GMultipler Architecture Description
architecture Adv of GMultipler is

	signal X0,Y0: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
   signal PP1,PP2, CC1, CC2, CC3: qsim_state;
	signal CCOUT1, CCOUT2: qsim_state;
	signal DD1,DD2: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal SUBB: qsim_state:='0';
	signal first_time: qsim_state:= '1';
	component Controller
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component AU
      A: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

component AU1
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component comparator
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
	end component;

	component Buf_trans
			A1: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			Q1_OUT: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			C3,CLK: in qsim_state
		end component;

	component INIT
			A,B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			A0,B0: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
			first_time: buffer qsim_state
		end component;


	U1: comparator port map (Y,X,PP1);
	U2: comparator port map (X,Y,PP2);
	U3: Controller port map (PP1,PP2,CLK,CC1,CC2,CC3);
	U4: AU port map (X,X0,SUBB,CC1,CLK,CCOUT1);
	U5: AU1 port map (Y0,Y,SUBB,CC2,CLK,CCOUT2);
	U6: Buf_trans port map (X,Z,CC3,CLK);
	U7: INIT port map (X,Y,X0,Y0,first_time);
end Adv;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Controller Entity Description
entity Controller is
      P1,P2,CLK: in qsim_state;
      C1,C2,C3: out qsim_state
end Controller;

-- Controller Architecture Description
-- The Controller realize the following relations:
-- 	Q'=P1BARP2BAR + Q
--		C1=QBARP1

architecture ctl of Controller is
	signal pre_C1, pre_C2, pre_C3: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ, DD: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQBAR: qsim_state:='1';

	component Flip_Flop
			D,CLK: in qsim_state;
      	Q,QBAR: out qsim_state
		end component;

   Controller_Process: process(P1, P2, QQ, CLK)

		DD <= (QQ or ((not P1) and (not P2)));
		pre_C3 <= ((not QQ) and ((not P1) and (not P2)));
		pre_C2 <= ((not P1) and P2 and (not QQ));
		pre_C1 <= (P1 and (not QQ));

   end process Controller_Process;

	U1: Flip_Flop port map(DD,CLK,QQ,QQBAR);
   -- Assign outputs
   C1 <= pre_C1;
	C2 <= pre_C2;
	C3 <= pre_C3;
end ctl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU Entity Description
entity AU is
      A: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU;

-- AU Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB,A,B)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (ENB='1')) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & A;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not B;
            b_ext := '0' & B;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   BUF_A: BLOCK(not CLK'STABLE and CLK = '0')
        A <=  guarded A when ENB ='0' else pre_D(7 downto 0) ;
   end BLOCK BUF_A;

   -- Assign flags
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- AU1 Entity Description
entity AU1 is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		B: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      SUB, ENB, CLK: in qsim_state;
      COUT: out qsim_state
end AU1;

-- AU1 Architecture Description
architecture rtl of AU1 is
      signal pre_D : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
   	signal pre_OV : qsim_state;
   ARITHMETIC_Process: process(CLK,ENB,A,B)
      variable fct_out : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable a_ext,b_ext : qsim_state_vector(8 downto 0);
      variable carry_ext : qsim_state_vector(1 downto 0);
      variable msb : integer;

	if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (ENB='1')) then
      -- zero extend inputs to include carry bit
      a_ext := '0' & B;
         if (SUB = '1') then
            b_ext := '0' & not A;
            b_ext := '0' & A;
         end if;
      carry_ext := (OTHERS => '0');
      carry_ext(0) := SUB;
      -- ADDSUB
      fct_out := a_ext + b_ext + carry_ext;
      -- Assign to signal for use outside process
      pre_D <= fct_out;
      -- Calculate overflow bit
      if (a_ext(7) = b_ext(7) and fct_out(7) = not a_ext(7)) then 
         pre_OV <= '1';
         pre_OV <= '0';
      end if;

	end if;

   end process ARITHMETIC_Process;

   BUF_B: BLOCK(not CLK'STABLE and CLK = '0')
        B <=  guarded B when ENB ='0' else pre_D(7 downto 0) ;
   end BLOCK BUF_B;

   -- Assign flags
   COUT <= pre_D(8);
end rtl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- comparator Entity Description
entity comparator is
      A: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      GT: out qsim_state
end comparator;

-- comparator Architecture Description
architecture rtl of comparator is
	COMPARATOR_process: process(A,B)
   	-- A > B
   	gt <= (A > B);
	end process COMPARATOR_process;
end rtl;


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Buf Entity Description
entity Buf_trans is
      A1: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		Q1_OUT: out qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		C3, CLK: in qsim_state
end Buf_trans;

-- Buf_trans Architecture Description

architecture btl of Buf_trans is


BUF_C: BLOCK(C3 = '1')
	Q1_OUT <=  guarded A1 when C3 ='1' else "XXXXXXXX";

end btl;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- INIT Entity Description
entity INIT is
      A,B: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      A0,B0: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
      first_time: buffer qsim_state:='1'
end INIT;

-- INIT Architecture Description
architecture rtl of INIT is

        INI_process: process
			  wait for 15ns;
           if(first_time = '1') then
             A0 <= A;
             B0 <= B;
             first_time <= '0';
           end if;
        end process INI_process;
end rtl;