VHDL PROJECTS, Professor Marek Perkowski

Automatic BIST Insertion to VHDL code.

    This project is related to running MENTOR tools on any of the class projects.
    You will have to learn additional Mentor tools and present them in class.

    Because I would like you to start working as early as possible on these projects,
    and I know that if I would not "marry" the groups, then you will never create groups in a reasonable time,
    here are below the groups that I created.
    However, you are welcome to exchange people in groups.
    I would like to have a final list of groups on next Thursday.
  2. Mentor Graphics DFT(Design For Testability) Alliance Tools

  3. LBIST, Current Trend in Digital Testing

  4. Detailed List of Course Contents. Design For Test

  5. Student Registry Update. Barry Carpenter. HEP Operations Analyst. The Mentor Graphics Student Registry will be available, online soon!

  6. College Recruiting Report. by Judy Church. Mentor Graphics College Program Manager

  7. New Program Participants. Please join us in welcoming the newest participants of the Higher Education Program.

  8. Summer Project Ideas Needed

  9. Design for Test: Logic BIST. Course. Duration 1 day

  10. The FastScan BIST Application Note. Version 1.0 by Cliff Yang

  11. MUGazine: December 1997

  12. Customer Support. Information Request.

  13. Thank you for inquiring about Mentor Graphics Customer Education & Training. In order to receive specific information on classes or request other information about our offerings, please complete the form below.

  14. DirectConnectTM is a key component of Mentor Graphics support offering designed to significantly improve your productivity. Your call to the SupportCenter (1-800-547-4303) is directly connected to a Support Engineer, if one is available, reducing the amount of time wasted on "phone tag". Support Engineers are able to resolve a large number of technical issues during the first contact.
    1. Shaw, Gerard (Jerry), gerards@ichips.intel.com - Group Leader.
    2. Koganti, Ram Prasad, rkoganti@ichips.intel.com
    3. Mohammad Khader kmohamm@ichips.intel.com
    4. Mc. Neill, David, davem@tqs.com

    Koganti and group VHDL Test BIST