Here are the great mathematicians and logicians that contributed most to the developement of the fundamentals of Reed-Muller Logic and Linearly Independent Logic.


Relations between geometry
and algebra.

Functional Analysis.

Besslich. First efficient minimizers.

Boole. Boolean algebra and equations.
Expansions attributed to Shannon.

Davio. Two Expansions of Davio - Positive and Negative.

Fourier. Spectral transforms.

Galois. Galois Fields.

Haar Haar Transform.

Hadamard Hadamard Transform.

Kolmogorov. Computational Complexity.

Kronecker. Kronecker Operations.

Kuratowski. Planarity.

Lukasiewicz. Multi-Valued Algebras.

Polya. Counting Theory.

Shannon. ``Shannon Expansion'' and Switching Theory.

Ulam. Cellular Automata. Simulated Annealing.

Wronski. Idea of the most
general functional expansions
and series.