The Function of Dependencies in CADMP-II
Many material properties are dependent on ambient conditions--such as temperature, humidity, frequency, and strain rate. Use the Dependencies option to specify the dependency of specified material properties on ambient conditions. Data points consist of the external dependency parameter value and the corresponding value of the material property. Dependencies are applicable only to material properties, not to material Code Numbers, IDs, or names.
You must supply the value of the material property for each dependency parameter entered. The program will linearly interpolate the value of the material property, if required. If you specify a value for the dependent parameter greater than or less than the values of the data points entered, the program will extrapolate the material property value based upon the two closest data points. The currently displayed values are the ones used by the system during each analysis.
CADMP-II allows you to add or edit four types of dependencies: temperature, moisture, frequency, and strain rate (see Figure 6). If a dependency has been added to a material property, the first letter of the dependency (T, M, F, or S) will appear at the top of the material property's column. The particular property's value will be colored red. Using the Note hot key to write a note listing which of the materials in the spreadsheet have dependencies attached can save considerable time.
Only one dependency can be active at a time. The active dependency is indicated by the left-most letter in the Dependency row of the header (see Figure 7).
The instructions on the next page describe how to add dependencies. To edit existing dependencies, use the same procedures, omitting Step 3.
Applying and Editing Dependencies
The steps below detail how to apply dependencies to material properties that do not have them. To edit existing dependencies, follow these same steps, omitting Step 3.
The Add hot key is used to add data points to the set of dependency parameters. To use the Add hot key:
The Graph hot key enables you to plot the property dependency . Dependency graphs can be plotted in the following way.
NOTE: Properties must be selected using this command
before a section can be edited using the Edit command.