1. Close the window when you are ready to accept the values. The dependency is now active. The first letter of the dependency appears on the horizontal Depend row, under the material property vertical column heading (see Figure 11).
          Figure 11. Window after the dependency is activated

          The Graph hot key enables you to plot the property dependency . Dependency graphs can be plotted in the following way.

          1. After clicking on the Graph hot key, CADMP will ask for the file name in which the file is to be stored . Give the file name.
          2. A note will then ask you to use the graphing tool to view. Press <Esc>
          3. 'Close' the dependency window.
          4. 'Close' the 'Edit' screen. You'll go back to the Materials' library screen.
          5. Click on Xit. You'll go back to the main menu screen.
          6. Choose Display option
          7. Choose 'Graph' option
          8. CADMP will ask for the filename to be loaded
          9. Give the file name you gave in step A to view the graph.
 The Select attributes Command
          1. Select the Select attributes command from the Material option menu. A window appears listing all the properties the Materials Library can display in the spreadsheet. Fields with check marks next to them are tagged and displayed in the spreadsheet (see Figure 12).
          2. Figure 12. Select attributes command property list window
          3. Select the property you want displayed in the spreadsheet and press Enter. A check mark appears next to it. Click on Tag or press Alt-T to tag or untag all properties at once. Select a tagged property and press Enter to untag it.
          4. NOTE: Properties must be selected using this command before a section can be edited using the Edit command.

          5. Close to confirm you choices. Press Esc to cancel.