Answers to the Bonus Question

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I said, "What comes after caret, not what comes after carrot!"

Give me any more of those awful carrots and I'll show you a bottom-up parser!

Now students, you'll have this memorized by next week or I'll force-feed baby food to you, too.

Oh come on Dad, I still have to finish my dissertation by Sunday.

Do you understand it now, Daddy? Or shall we go over it again?

No sweat, I'm ready to move up to solids!

You think you're a mess; look at this!

No, Dad, you use GOTO to find that set.

Roadmap to puberty???

What's up, Doc?

[Dad thinks:] "My boy is brilliant."
[Baby thinks:] "This connect-the-dots game is making me dizzy... And you wonder why the food doesn't stay in my mouth!"

It's better than carrots.

If I just pretend like I'm paying attention, I'll get more carrots.

Who will be the next compiler in your generation?

A diagram soon to be modeled crudely, but enthusiastically, with Spaghetti.

That DFA won't recognize carrots... why should I?

Daddy, why does "if" have two 'f's?

Can I eat that too?

It's yummy.

Dad, I think I'm going to end with an ERROR. Maybe it's time to REDUCE the carrot input and SHIFT to the yummy pear input! That I'll ACCEPT!

Dad, I didn't digest those LR rules the first time. Can you explain them to me again?

Seems delicious! You want me to eat that, too?