
[Sat May 22 20:25:33 2004] (US/Pacific, -07:00 GMT)

Temperance says, 'Hail, Grand Librarian Maelin'

Maelin tells you, 'As I have told you, you must retrieve the elemental essence from each elemental plane so that we can activate the machine in the Plane of Innovation that will open a portal into the shard of time that Zebuxoruk is held.'


Temperance says, 'Hail, Seer Mal Nae`Shi'

Seer Mal Nae`Shi snaps from her meditation, 'Greetings traveler, I am Mal Nae`Shi. I have come here to heighten my awareness through meditation, much can be learned through a brief exploration of one's self... Assuming there is something there to learn. While reaching inner peace is a journey each spirit must undertake on its own, I can begin your voyage with [guided meditation] which will aid your memory, once you are seated. I can also [unlock] some [memories] which may previously been inaccessible.'

Temperance says, 'guided meditation'

  • Learning of Zebuxoruk's fate, the only way to save him is gather materials that will allow you to power up the machine to send you into the Plane of Time. Maelin has charged you with finding an elemental power source sufficient to activate Meldrath's time machine.
  • The Cipher of the Divine Language appears on your arms for a brief moment then fades.
  • You have completed all of Honor's Trials.
  • You have bested Aerin`Dar and proven yourself honorable enough to pass into Mithaniel's Halls.
  • Mavuin is grateful to you for taking his case before the Tribunal. The information provided to you, that Mithaniel Marr and Karana carry information you should seek, could be quite useful.
  • Tylis has been removed from his agony.
  • Saved from a world of eternal nightmares, Thelin is forever in your debt.
  • Saved from certain doom, Milyk and Adler are forever in your debt.
  • Now that Grummus has been destroyed, the entrance to the Crypt of Bertoxxulous should open before your might.
  • The portal into the Plane of Fire has been altered. Miak needs you to find the correct way to channel the portal.
  • Arlyxir's wealth of knowledge flows through your mind.
  • Jiva's strength fills your body.
  • The power of Dresolik surges through you.
  • Rizlona's song slips through your thoughts.
  • Xuzl's arcane wisdom pulses in your mind.
  • The parchments of Rallos are scribed in a language that you cannot comprehend; they do however have detailed drawings of the manaetic behemoth that you have already destroyed.

Temperance says, 'unlock memories'

  • You manage to recover some images from your childhood, but no recent events spark a memory.

Planes Map

(a) Justice       (f) Innovation       (k) Solusek       (p) Earth (A)
(b) Valor (g) Tactics (l) Elements (q) Earth (B)
(c) Storms (h) Disease (m) Fire (r) Time
(d) Honor (i) Nightmare (n) Water Mini-Map, Marked
(e) Thunder (j) Torment (o) Air Mini-Map, Unmarked

Mini-map derived from and text transcribed from this Large Flowchart


Temperance's flag notes are in red. Optional items (keys) noted in blue. Specific notes are in purple.

Flags can be started in any of the Planes of Justice (a), Innovation (f), Disease (h) or Nightmare (i).

  1. Plane of Justice (PoJ):
    1. PoJ: Hail Mavuin. "I will plead your case."
    2. PoJ: Complete any Trial
    3. PoJ: Hail The Tribunal. "What about Mavuin?"
    4. PoJ: Hail Mavuin.
    Access to Plane of Valor (b) and Plane of Storms (c)

    Plane of Justice - Optional:
    1. PoJ: Complete all remaining trials, collecting all six marks
    2. PoJ: Hail The Tribunal. "I seek knowledge." (yes)
    3. PoJ: Kill Seventh Hammer (no)
    Further trials are not needed for zone progression.

  2. Plane of Valor (PoV):
    1. PoV: Collect pieces for the lair key quest (only one needed) (guild)
      1. three hearts and three globes from all areas of the plane
    2. PoV: Kill Aerin`Dar
    3. PoV: Hail Projection, zone into Halls of Honor from the portal in the pit
    Access to Halls of Honor (d)

  3. Plane of Storms (PoS):
    1. PoS: Collect pieces for Bastion of Thunder key quest
      1. Storm Giant Head - one from any region
      2. Bone (desert), Sash (forest) and Beard (coastal) - one each
      3. Esoteric Medallions - one each from any two seperate regions
    2. PoS: Give pieces, in order, to Askr the Lost for the key
    3. PoS: Zone into Bastion of Thunder from center of PoS
    Access to Torden, Bastion of Thunder (e)

  4. Halls of Honor (HoH or HoHA):
    Single person Key quest exists for XP; does not help for flagging. (no)
    1. HoH: Complete three trials, hail each projection
    Access Temple of Marr (ToM or HOHB) through Halls of Honor
    1. HoHB: Kill Mithaniel Marr
    2. Knowledge: Hail Grand Librarian Maelin. ""
    Part of Solusek Ro's Tower Flag (k)
    Needed for Rallos Zek Flag (g2)

  5. Torden, Bastion of Thunder (BoT):
    1. BoT: Collect pieces for the towers key (only one needed) (yes)
      1. Gather gems, random drops, one from each wing;
      2. Combine the gems in a Ring of Torden
    2. BoT: Collect pieces for Agnarr key (only one needed) (guild)
      1. Gather spheres, random drops from named, one from each wing;
      2. Combine the spheres in an Unadorned Symbol of Torden
    3. BoT: Kill Agnarr, save Karana
    4. Knowledge: Hail Grand Librarian Maelin. "What lore?"
    Required for Elemental Planes (l)

  6. Plane of Innovation (PoI):
    1. PoI: Kill Xanamech Nezmirthafen for a key (only one needed) (guild)
    2. PoI: Hail Giwin Mirakon, ""
    3. PoI: Kill Manaetic Behemoth
    4. PoI: Hail Giwin Mirakon
    Access to Plane of Tactics (g)

  7. Drunder, Fortress of Zek -- a.k.a. Plane of Tactics:
    1. Tactics: Hail Giwin Mirakon (not required)
    2. Tactics: Defeat both Demi-Gods
      1. Kill Vallon Zek
      2. Kill Tallon Zek
    Part of Solusek Ro's Tower Flag (k)
    1. Tactics: Kill Rallos Zek
      Saryrn (j6), Mithaliel Marr (d2), Vallon Zek and Tallon Zek (g1) flags
      are required to get Rallos Zek flag, but not to fight him.

  8. Plane of Disease (PoD):
    ( There is an Adler Fursteil and Elder Fursteil, I might have some wrong. )
    Single person Key quest exists to access CoD for XP; does not help for flagging.
    1. Tranquility: Hail Adler Fursteil. "What Ward?"
    2. PoD: Kill ? for a key (only one needed) (guild)
    3. PoD: Kill Grummus
    4. Tranquility: Hail Adler Fursteil
    Access to Ruins -- a.k.a. Crypt of Decay (CoD)
    1. CoD: Kill High Priest (Carpin Ring)
    Access to Lower Ruins -- a.k.a. CoDB
    1. CoDB: Kill Bertoxxolous
    2. Tranquility: Hail Elder Fursteil
    Can now talk to Fahlia Shadyglade in Tranquility (j)

  9. Plane of Nightmare (PoN):
    1. Tranquility: Hail Elder Poxbourne
    2. PoN: Complete Thelin maze event
    Access to Lair of Terris Thule (LoTT)
    1. LoTT: Kill Terris Thule
    2. Tranquility: Hail Elder Poxbourne
    Access to Torment, Plane of Pain (j)
    Required for Fahlia Shadyglade flag (j)

  10. Torment, Plane of Pain (Torment):
    1. Tranquility: Hail Fahlia Shadyglade, "I will go to Torment."
    2. Torment: Assemble the Saryrn tower key (only one needed) (guild)
      1. Collect the Orbs from the four Avatars
      2. Engage Baraguj Szuul, pass the event, kill Baraguj
      3. Combine the Orbs in the container Mouths of Baraguj Szuul
    3. Torment: Kill Maareq the Prophet
    4. Torment: talk to Tylis
    5. Torment: Tylis ports you to Keeper of Sorrows
      Fahlia Shadyglade flag (j1) required for Tylis to teleport
    6. Torment: Kill Keeper of Sorrows
    7. Torment: Kill Saryrn
    8. Knowledge: Hail Grand Librarian Maelin. ""
    Part of Solusek Ro's Tower Flag (k)
    Needed for Rallos Zek Flag (g2)

  11. Solusek Ro's Tower (SolRo):
    1. Knowledge: Grand Librarian Maelin, "What information?" (zone access)
      Requires Saryrn (j6), Mithaliel Marr (d2), Vallon Zek and Tallon Zek (g1) flags
    2. SolRo: Kill the five mini-bosses (These have become Optional for access.)   (yes)
    3. SolRo: Kill Solusek Ro (no)
    Opens Elemental Plane of Fire

  12. The Elemental Planes
    1. Knowledge: Grand Librarian Maelin, "What information?" (planar access)
      Requires flags from Rallos Zek (g2) and Karana (e4)
    Opens Planes of Air (o), Water (n), Earth (p)

  13. Elemental Plane of Fire -- Doomfire, The Burning Lands
    1. Tranquility: Hail Miak the Searedsoul
    2. Fire: Kill Fennin Ro (no)
    3. Fire: Hail projectoin for elemental piece, needed for key to Time

  14. Elemental Plane of Water -- Reef of Coirnav
    1. Water: Kill Corinav (no)
    2. Water: Hail projectoin for elemental piece, needed for key to Time

  15. Elemental Plane of Air -- Eryslai, The Kingdom of Wind
    1. Air: Kill Xegony (no)
    2. Air: Hail projectoin for elemental piece, needed for key to Time

  16. Elemental Plane of Earth (A) -- Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands
    1. Earth(A): Complete ring event and kill the Arbitor for Earth(B) flag (no)
    Access to Earth (B) (q)

  17. Elemental Plane of Earth (B) -- Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve
    1. Earth(B): Kill the Rathe Council (no)
    2. Earth(B): Hail projectoin for elemental piece, needed for key to Time

  18. Plane of Time
    1. ?: Combine elemental pieces
    Access to Plane of Time (r)
    1. Time: Kill stuff.
    2. Time: do some more stuff here for access to Time (B) ??
    Access to Plane of Time (B)
    1. Time(B): Kill MORE stuff.
    2. What? You're still here? Go kill the Seventh Hammer or something.


Temperance @ Erollisi Marr
Saturday, 07-Oct-2006, 02:00 PDT