------------------------------------------------------------------------ { This quest starts in the Qeynos Aqueduct System in the Bloodsabers Guild area, requiring you to Sneak and Hide to find the first NPC. You are to receive a pouch to deliver, but this step can be skipped and you can go to Highpass Hold directly. } { I need to find the very first NPC to fill this part.} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { The smugglers in Highpass Hold are rogues, their camp is reached by an underwater passage outside the Tiger's Roar. Anson McBale has always been here, but I understand you might have to kill "a smuggler" as his PH to make him appear. } You say, 'Hail, Anson McBale' Anson McBale says 'Beat it, ________, unless you have something for me.' { If you have the pouch to deliver you can give it to Anson to make Stanos spawn. If you have good faction with Anson you can ask him directly to get Stanos. } You say, 'I need to see Stanos.' Anson McBale says 'This better be important.' You say, 'Hail, Stanos Herkanor' Stanos Herkanor says 'Ah, the pouch. This is the first step Anson. The Circle has to be upset having this taken right out from under them. That speaks well of the person who did the taking. Hanns must be even more furious now .' Anson McBale says 'Vilnius has always had a good eye for talent. I think we can trust this one.' { Mentioning Vilnius makes me wonder if the quest begins in the QCat or if it starts with Vilnius in the WK. I know you have to visit Vilnius if you do not have the Cazic Quill from the epic fight in the forest, so maybe he has more than one role. I will spawn Vilnius and start chatting to find out. } Stanos Herkanor says 'I tend to agree Anson. We could make a deal. I have a blade I won't use anymore, and you have those fine looking daggers Vilnius gave you. Of course, you would have to do something for me first. Let me tell you my story, then you decide.' { Hmm, now this is confusing. Vilnius never gives you anything unless you perform the sub-quest to get the Cazic Quill, which is a dagger, but no sane rogue keeps it longer than to turn in at the end of Stanos' quest for the epic reward. } You say, 'Tell me your story.' Stanos Herkanor says 'Johann Krieghor was the leader of the Circle and I was his second-in-command. He made a dark bargain with a Teir'dal General. The Circle was to assassinate Joren, the high elf ambassador to Qeynos. Had the plot worked, it would have weakened the alliance between high elves and humans, and possibly caused a war between the two powers. In either case, the Teir'Dal would have profited greatly by this event, and all others would have suffered. I could not stand by and let this happen, but Johann would not be deterred, for the Teir'Dal had promised him much. I had no choice but to kill Johann and the Teir'Dal agent. I made it look like they offed each other, and then I hid the tools.' You say, 'What tools?' Stanos Herkanor says 'To allow the assassin to slay a prince, and fight his way back out, a fell blade was crafted. It was small enough to conceal under a garment and yet large enough to strike a mortal blow through armor. Aided by vile Teir'Dal enchantments, it is much more fearsome than it appears. I would glady rid myself of it, but I fear I can not until I clear my name with Hanns.' You say, 'Who is Hanns?' Stanos Herkanor says 'Hanns Krieghor was a talented young man, in many ways much more of a man than his father. After the death of Johann, I raised Hanns as my own son, and grew to love him as such. A few years back, to take revenge upon me for his father's murder, Hanns seized cotrol of the Circle. At the same time, he sent four of his best killers to finish me. The killers failed, I still live. Hanns still leads the Circle in Qeynos, and still seeks my head.' You say, 'He seeks your head?' Stanos Herkanor says 'Aye, ________, Hanns has wanted me dead for years. He's tried many times, though not personally. He's smart, that one, for not facing me, but foolish for wasting so many good men for naught.' You say, 'How will you clear your name?' Stanos Herkanor says 'I need proof that what I say about Johann is truth, so that Hanns may forgive me. YOU can gather that proof for me. First, travel to Kaladim and Neriak, and there, upon the persons of the rogue guildmasters, you should find that which I seek, two parts of a document I recovered from the dead agent. I entrusted one to Founy, but that trust is gone, and Founy would betray me to Hanns were I to attempt to reclaim it. Tani N'mar has the other, which he should not possess, and keeps it only to spite me, not knowing its real import. Steal them both, and bring them back to me. And don't let anyone follow you! If I am not around, tell Anson you want to see me.' { My guess is that you gain faction with Anson for turning in the pouch from Malka, which in turn allows you to simply ask for Stanos in the future. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Kaladim Rogue Guild Leader is in North Kaladim across from the bank. Rumor has it he spawns at 10AM and despawns at 10PM. Since this is the first test it is easy, if you're caught just zone! } { Burnoose of the Halfbreed is a Bard/Rogue mask from JPF with Illusion: Half-Elf. This could help real Dark Elf rogues if they want to do more than hide, sneak and pick pockets. A Dark Elf will need invisibility to safely enter the JPF. } You say, 'Hail, Founy Jestands' { No reply. } You say, 'Stanos sent me.' Founy Jestands says 'Um, er.. Have you actually seen Stanos? How.. is he? Um, I have things I should be doing. I've got to figure out how this pottery wheel got stuck on my foot, for one thing. Er, I really don't have anything to tell you about Stanos, really, I swear it.' You say, 'What is in your pouch?' { No reply. Try "belt pouch" } You say, 'Do you have a note?' Founy Jestands says 'I don't know what you're talking about, if you know what I mean.' Founy fingers his belt pouch. 'You should leave now, if you know what's good for you. Don't make me sic the crew on you.' { If you get caught you might hear these words: } { Pickpocket the Stained Parchment Top } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Neriak Rogue Guild Leader is more difficult. You should get Mask of Deception from LGUK first if you're not a Dark Elf. } { Tani "blinks" at 8PM, that is to say he despawns and instantly respawns in the same place. This is when to empty his pockets. } You say, 'Hail, Tani N`Mar' Tani N`Mar says 'Greetings! You must be a stranger or [new to the Hall]. If you are a stranger, be warned that these halls are intended for the Ebon Mask only. If you are found to be a member of another house, you just may feel the sting of a blade in your back.' You say, 'Stanos sent me.' Tani N`Mar says 'Stanos? Hahahaha! That old fool crossed my path a few times in the past, but he is not able to trouble me now. If you see him, tell him Tani sends his..love. Hahahaha!' You say, 'What is in your pouch?' { No reply. Try "belt pouch" } You say, 'Do you have a note?' Tani N`Mar says 'Oh, you want that piece of paper Stanos was so hot after?' He taps his belt pouch. 'Well, it's mine now, though it looks like ogre scratch to me. You're not getting it, Stanos is not getting it, and Hanns is not getting it. It is MINE! Now, ________, scamper off like the dog you are, before I decide I need more practice with these short swords!'' { If you get caught you might hear these words: } Tani N`Mar says 'Silent and deadly are the daggers of the Ebon Mask!!' Selzar L`Crit says 'Prepare to be gutted like a fish.' Eolorn J`Axx says 'Prepare to be gutted like a fish.' { Pickpocket the Stained Parchment Bottom } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ( Give Stanos both halves of the Stained Parchment. } Stanos Herkanor says 'Excellent! With this document I can..' . 'Damnation! Curse my tired old mind, I forgot that I could not read the document. It is written in some obscure code or language. I can't decipher it, but I know someone who can. Seek out one called Eldreth, an Erudite who used to do work for me. I know not where he may be found these days, only that he will not be found in Erudin, as they want his head for some misdeed in the past. Give him the complete parchment, and tell him I sent you. He owes me.' Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got better. Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got better. Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got better. Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got better. Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia got better. You gain experience!! { You receive a Combined Parchment } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Eldreth is in Lake Rathetear on the island near the Ogre shamans, near the zone to Rathe Mountains. Before you talk to Eldreth you should buy 2 Bottles of Milk and bring 100 PP. This will save a trip if you do talk to him. It will save starting over if all you do is give him the note right away. Also, I am told you need to be Indifferent for the turn in. You can use Sneak. } Eldreth glowers at you dubiously. (Dark Blue CON to Level 60) Your Mask of Obtenebration begins to glow. Eldreth looks your way apprehensively. You have finished memorizing Cinda`s Charismatic Carillon. Eldreth judges you amiably. You say, 'Hail, Eldreth' Eldreth says 'Go away! I'm busy! I don't have time for scoundrels like you! Leave me alone or I shall, um..turn you into, er, a fish or something! That is what us powerful wizards do to those who annoy us! Yes, that is it. A fish! Did that sound scary enough?' You say, 'Yes that was scary enough.' (I said, 'No that was not scary.' and received the same response.) Eldreth says 'Ha! I knew it. I could see you trembling! Everyone fears an angry wizard and nobody wants to be a fish. I know I detest fish, it is always fish fish fish around here. Fish cakes, fish stew, fish wine, I am sick of fish. But alas, while I am a powerful wizard, I am also a poor one. Oh well, good things come to those who wait. So, why are you here, ________?' You say, 'Stanos sent me.' Eldreth says 'Stanos? Stanos Herkanor? I thought he was long dead. He nearly got me killed, in any case. What does the old fool want of me now?' You say, 'I want you to translate a note.' Eldreth says 'Ah, codes are my specialty! It's what I did for the Circle before Hanns took over. But the Fox is wrong. I owe him nothing! As a fact, he owes me! He wants this translated - he will have to pay!' You say, 'I will pay.' Eldreth says 'Aye, pay, and pay you must. I need 100 platinum pieces to begin my work. This tower is old and drafty and it will take that much to make it bearable. And while you're at it, I need something else. I am very busy here and have no time to shop, so bring me back a couple bottles of milk along with your very large bag of platinum, and I will translate anything you wish at that time.' -------- { Give him the Combined Parchment, 100 PP, 2 bottles of Milk. } Eldreth looks at you, obviously expecting more. Did you forget the milk? Eldreth looks at you, obviously expecting more. Did you forget the milk? Eldreth looks at you, obviously expecting more. Did you forget the milk? Eldreth says 'Hmm, interesting. This document is not only encoded, but written in a very obscure language. From what I can gather, it's a variant of elder Teir'dal, but not one I've encountered. I can not fully translate this, but I know one who can. Find Yendar and give him this' Your faction standing with Order of Three got better. Your faction standing with Bloodsabers got worse. Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better. Your faction standing with Opal Dark Briar got worse. { You receive Scribbled Parchment. (ID: Untranslated Note) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Before visiting Yendar you will want to join some raids in the Plane of Hate and have them fight the Maestro of Rancor. Once that is done the puller should pull from above the Maestro's room so rogues can search for the Book of Souls from his nightstand -- up the ramp, second alcove on the left, looks like an open book on a table. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Yendar wanders around Steamfont Mountains. He's hard to miss, he's a gnome in Shining Metallic Robes. Yendar is safe but spawns Renux, a Level 50 Rogue. Use a group to snare-kite. } You say, 'Hail, Yendar Starpyre' Yendar Starpyre says 'Hail, traveler! I sense you did not simply chance upon my isolation here, but are instead seeking me for something.' You say, 'Stanos sent me.' { No reply. } You say 'I want you to translate a note.' or 'Scribbled Parchment' Yendar Starpyre says 'Oh, if it is written in Elder Teir'Dal, most likely I can translate it. I will be happy to try, in any case. Let me see it, please.' { Give him the Scribbled Parchment. } Yendar Starpyre says 'I say, this is indeed a challenge. This is written in what I'm sure is the language of the High Priesthood of Innoruuk. I've often wished I could read this, but I have never had the key to unlock the language. Take this for now.' You gain experience!! { You receive Tattered Parchment. (ID: Untranslated Note) } -------- You say, 'What key?' Yendar Starpyre says 'In the Plane of Hate, where dwell Innoruuk and his minions, there is a tome. This tome is called the Book of Souls.' You say, 'What book?' Yendar Starpyre says 'The Book of Souls chronicles all the lives Innoruuk has tainted over the years. It is in the care of the Maestro of Rancor. I can use this tome as a basis for my translation, if you return it and the note to me. An experienced practitioner in the art of non-detection should be able to snatch it from its resting place, don't you think, ________? ' { You give him the Tattered Parchment and Book of Souls. } Yendar Starpyre says 'My, this is quite a large list! Yes, I can use the names and dates recorded here to help me understand the script. It should be a simple matter now. A moment, please. Aha, yes, there we go. Traslated as best I can! I do hope you're not involved in what is described here, as it is quite fiendish. Oi! You, woman! Give that back! ________, that woman there took your letter! I think I should leave you to discuss it with her. Best of luck!' You gain experience!! You receive 1 copper from Yendar Starpyre. -------- { Renux Herkanor spawns very near by, Level 50 human rogue wearing leather. She is somewhat resistant to magic and is immune to fear. She has strong health regeneration and while I hurt her to less than 5% of health she rapidly returned to 14% health. Use heavy damage, save nukes for the death blow. } Renux Herkanor glowers at you dubiously -- she appears to be quite formidable. You say, 'Hail, Renux Herkanor' Renux Herkanor says 'BOO! I'm sure you didn't expect to see me here, but you've left quite a trail. Why did you go to all the trouble to get this scrap of parchment? What can be so important about it that Father would risk all for it? No matter, Hanns will figure it out. Now, will you tell me where to find Stanos?' Your target resisted the Largo`s Absonant Binding spell. Renux Herkanor says 'When was the last time you had your heart handed to you by a woman?' Your target is immune to fear spells. Your target resisted the Angstlich`s Appalling Screech spell. You resist the Clockwork Poison spell! You have been poisoned. You begin to feel very dizzy. You have taken 5 points of damage. { Stand there stunned, spinning like a helpless idiot. } Renux Herkanor says 'Blast it! Quit wiggling and just DIE! I swear, I'm going to take up needlepoint if Hanns doesn't find me more challenging work.' You have been slain by Renux Herkanor! { Sigh, run back and get your gear and finish this. With help this time. Whoever snares her will steal agro. A Druid or Ranger with SoW is perfect for this. They snare and re-snare while you and anybody else follows behind Renux and beat on her. } Renux Herkanor has been slain by Yoora! Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got worse. Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got better. Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got worse. Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better. Your faction standing with Kane Bayle got worse. You gain party experience!! Renux Herkanor's corpse says ' Tell Hanns I tried, and will love him always. Tell Father I will save a seat in Hell for him!' { Loot both the Translated Parchment (No Drop) and the Jagged Diamond Dagger (tradable) needed for the Ragebringer. To repay those that helped you, you may random off the Ravenscale Neckguard and the Ravenscale Belt (both tradable). The only NoDrop item she has that you do not need is a Rogue-only 1HS called 'Trochilic's Skean' (Combat Effect: Clockwork Poison) Here is the cruel joke: Isn't a skean used in needlepoint? } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Give Stanos the Translated Parchment. (Note from V'ghera) } Stanos Herkanor says 'Let me see what you have here. Aha, so that's who.. yes, yes! There is one more thing I need you to do. This document tells me who the originator of the plot really was. His name is General V'ghera, which is interesting, as Anson's men have spotted him in Kithicor recently. He will not be easy to get to, but if you give this box to one of his many aides, the General will HAVE to come to investigate. You see, this box used to contain the tools crafted for the assassination. When he arrives, kill him! I need any documents you find on him - with luck it will be enough evidence to convince Hanns that what I say is true. Bring any documents or dispatch cases you find, along with those blades Vilnius made you work so hard for, and we will make a trade.' Your faction standing with Highpass Guards could not possibly get any better. Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got better. Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got better. Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got better. Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia got better. You gain experience!! { You receive a Sealed Box. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { This is where the epic quest can become a different quest. This is also a high level raid encounter. Anybody with at least amiable faction can trigger Stanos. Have one person stand by Anson to trigger Stanos and have a monk nearby to pull Stanos to either the Kithicor or the East Karana zone line. When Stanos is engaged almost every smuggler faction NPC will walk to his aid. If you are not extremely careful then Anson will arrive at the fight with Stanos. If it is an extended battle the NPCs will arrive and the situation goes from bad to worse. } You say, 'I need to see Stanos.' Anson McBale says 'This better be important.' Anson McBale regards you as an ally -- he appears to be quite formidable. Stanos Herkanor regards you as an ally -- looks like quite a gamble. Stanos Herkanor shouts 'I will kill you and your lickspittle friends for this!' { If somebody dies to Stanos it usually goes like this: } Stanos Herkanor says 'You will not evade me ________!' Stanos Herkanor shouts 'You know, I really hate all this killing, but I am just so GOOD at it!' ________ has been slain by Stanos Herkanor! { If you do not want to suffer significant faction hits then leave the zone or quit before Stanos dies. } Your faction standing with Highpass Guards got worse. Your faction standing with Carson McCabe got worse. Your faction standing with Merchants of Highpass got worse. Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got worse. Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia got worse. You gained raid experience! Stanos Herkanor's corpse says 'Every man's time comes.' { Loot the Head of Stanos. (ID: Severed Head of Stanos) We had to kill him four times for two people to loot a head. } Anson McBale judges you amiably -- You could probably win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { In Kithicor Woods one burnt house has several Dark Elves. At night there will be several undead also. All of them will be hostile since they are not on Neriak faction. Single-pull and kill all but one dark elf. Kill off all the undead you can find. Sneak behind the sole surviving hostile dark elf and give him the Sealed Box. General V`ghera will appear in the back of the room. { Investigate: Unsure if he is by default indifferent or agressive until attacked. Have somebody CON (and Hail) him. } { To contine with the weapon quest pull and kill the General. To continue with the alternative quest give the Head of Stanos to the General. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Where each of the Kithicor dark elves spawn in the house is random. Kill as many of them as you can, but leave one alive. If you take too long to kill six of the seven named NPCs you will have to be careful of the green con undead mobs that respawn in their places. } 1 You have slain Advisor C`zatl! 2 Tasi V`ghera has been slain by Jorfe! 3+ You have slain Ioltos V`ghera pet! 3 Ioltos V`ghera has been slain by Jorfe! 4 Adjutant D`kan has been slain by Jorfe! 5 Brigadier G`tav has been slain by Jorfe! 6 War Priestess T`zan has been slain by Jorfe! Your faction standing with Fallen of Bloody Kithicor could not possibly get any worse. 7+ Coercer Q`ioul pet regards you indifferently -- You could probably win this fight. { Use sneak. If you can, have somebody pacify the last NPC. Turn in the Sealed Box. } You begin to sneak... Coercer Q`ioul says 'The general will want to look at this. Wait here.' { Depending on your position sneak might keep you safe. If the General spawns and you are in front of him you will agro him, which is pretty much a given. } General V`ghera shouts 'I shall end this treachery now! First you, you insignificant, worthless } , then that ill-spawned Stanos, and finally Joren.' General V`ghera scowls at you, ready to attack -- looks like quite a gamble. You begin to sneak... General V`ghera regards you indifferently -- looks like quite a gamble. { Get behind the General and turn in the Head of Stanos. } General V`ghera says 'Life is indeed sweet! Thank you, Temperance, you have done me a great service this day. Take this, Stanos was kind enough to return it to me, and I have no use for it now. Know that you have the blessing of Innoruuk for this deed! But of course, I leave it to you to leave here alive. A leader has to feed his minions, you know.' Your faction standing with Fallen of Bloody Kithicor got better. Guise of the Coercer Magic Item Lore Item No Drop Slot: Face Charges: Unlimited AC: 4 CHA: +13 Sv Magic: +7 Effect: Illusion High Elf (Any Slot) WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Class: BRD ROG Race: All except ERU HIE TRL OGR IKS FRG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------