Planar Traveler's Manual
A Quest in the Plane of Knowledge
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Willamina ( -427, +1160, -125 )

     Your Location is -427.44, 1160.87, -125.05

You say, 'Hail, Willamina'

Willamina says 'Hello and good morning, ______. It's such a lovely day to sit and enjoy the beautiful surroundings, is it not? I do hope you find what you are looking for here, not all of us have been so successful in our individual [quests].'

You say, 'What quests?'

Willamina says 'The city is full of curious people all searching for something. Many have struggled for a long time to find their reward. Some are not even aware of what is it they are looking for, but will know it when they see it. Would you care to [help] me out? It will only take a moment.'

You say, 'I will help.'

Willamina says 'How wonderful! To pass the time I enjoy sitting under the trees and sewing together luscious fabrics. But now it seems my old sewing needles have all broke or gone dull, and I require a new supply. Bolcen Tendag has promised to purchase and deliver some for me, but he has not yet arrived and I worry about him. If you could locate him and ask him for some sewing needles, I would be most grateful.'

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Bolcen Tendag ( +683, +948, -124 )

     Your Location is 683.76, 948.87, -124.87

You say, 'Hail, Bolcen Tendag'

Bolcen Tendag coughs and says, 'Hello traveler. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bolcen. If you are looking for my master Xelrin, you may find him upstairs. Careful should you stand too close to me however, I have become ill.' He coughs again.

You say, 'Do you have some needles?'

Bolcen Tendag says 'I feel just terrible that I haven't been to see Willamina yet. Due to my illness I barely have the energy to stand. If you could aid me in some way, I would greatly appreciate it. Mirao Frostpouch might have an elixir that would help me feel better. Please seek him out and ask for it.'

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Mirao Frostpouch ( -87, -204, -156 )

     Your Location is -87.72, -204.35, -156.87

You say, 'Hail, Mirao Frostpouch'

Mirao Frostpouch says 'And good day to you, ______. This great, wondrous city holds a seemingly endless supply of knowledge and power, attainable by all who walk our streets and seek it. In an effort to accommodate the travelers, scholars, and heroes alike that have ventured into our midst in this recent era, the citizens of New Tanaan have individually offered their own unique knowledge in almost every area significant to travelers of all professions. As a former chemist and knowing that not all of Norrath's great minds have the time or the patience to brew arcane potions, I have taken the liberty to craft some from my memory. Those that you will find in my inventory are the ones I felt would best suit our visitors.'

You say, 'Do you have an elixir?'

Mirao Frostpouch says 'That poor lad, he's always catching ill this time of year. Unfortunately I am out of the medicine he needs right now. Perhaps if you could obtain the key ingredient I am missing, I could brew up a batch for you to take to him. I have heard Cador recently came into possession of some black lava powder. If you can convince him to give you some, bring it to me right away!'

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Oracle Cador ( +687, +158, -156 )

     Your Location is 687.92, 158.96, -156.74

You say, 'Hail, Oracle Cador'

Oracle Cador stands tall, delivering a stiff nod of his head in respectful greetings, 'Welcome to the district of Selia, traveler. Here, you will find that the purity of light that fuels all goodly mortal virtues thrives unobstructed here. As the district of Tanaan is believed to be the cornerstone of true mortal balance in the known universe, the district of Selia is that of unobstructed, absolute purity of untainted passion, valor, honor, and justice. I sense within you a small shard of this light, though its purity is corrupt by the grey of neutrality that guides your mortal destiny. Do not be disheartened or fearful of a zealous preaching, my friend. It is a mere observation -- one of hope that you may properly feed that light in the future. With this hope, the people of Selia extend a warm invitation to you to learn of our ways through our guidance, should you wish it.'

You say, 'Do you have some black lava powder?'

Oracle Cador says 'You are most astute. I do have a stock of black lava powder with me, but I will only share it with those who prove themselves worthy. Onirelin Gali is currently in possession of an artifact I need to better commune with the spirits. Please recover it for me.'

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Onirelin Gali ( -655, +1049, -124 )

     Your Location is -655.71, 1049.47, -124.79

You say, 'Hail, Onirelin Gali'

Onirelin Gali peers you over carefully, studying you. 'Welcome and come in, stranger. Are you here to simply look around or have you come to speak to my superior, Gunyth? If so, you may find him upstairs. Watch your step, now.'

You say, 'Do you have an artifact?'

Onirelin Gali pauses for a moment and continues, 'I am aware of that which Cador desires. Be wary of his ways for they are not always as they appear. Nevertheless, if he thinks this artifact will bring him greater peace, he may have it for a price. Certainly I have no use for it but what do I get in return? I'll tell you. Narik and I used to be good friends, until he became jealous of my relationship with his former companion Elisha. During our fight, he marched off with one of my finest jewels, and I believe still has it. Find him and ask for my jewel back. If you bring it to me, Cador may get want he wants as well.'

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Arch Mage Narik ( +440, +145, -153 )

     Your Location is 440.37, 145.49, -153.67

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Narik'

Arch Mage Narik gives a gentle smile and polite bow of respect to ______, 'Greetings and welcome to the district of Tanaan, traveler. This place of neutrality is quite content to have you among us, learning from us what we humbly can teach you. Many adepts who were adventurers not too different from yourself have stepped forward and offered their memories as present lessons to those willing to learn of them. I myself was a master of the elements in my time, though I do not make this declaration as one that craves due respect for the title. Rather, I hope that you may perhaps be of the same path and if you need tutoring in the way of skills, then I would be more than pleased to oblige your needs.'

You say, 'Do you have a jewel?'

Arch Mage Narik slams his book shut. 'So, the snake has legs after all! Tell Onirelin if he wants this back, he can come here himself and kiss my. . ., no wait. I have a better idea.' He draws closer and whispers, 'Did Onirelin tell you why I took this jewel? I did it in response to him taking my lady love, Elisha Dirtyshoes. We were to be married until she ran off with him. However, she also ran off with my engagement ring I gave to her. It is quite valuable to me, and I would be most happy to have it back. If you can procure it from her, I'll give Onirelin his jewel back. He's suffered long enough, I think.'

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Elisha Dirtyshoes ( +394, +938, -92 )

     Your Location is 394.25, 938.95, -92.46

You say, 'Hail, Elisha Dirtyshoes'

Elisha Dirtyshoes says 'Well, good day to you, good traveler. I am Elisha Dirtyshoes, a humble citizen of New Tanaan. Though I have never braved the dangers of an adventurer's life, I make a suitable and humble life here in this beautiful city. If you are a potter, then perhaps my wares might interest you?'

You say, 'Do you have an engagement ring?'

Elisha Dirtyshoes sighs and says, 'Tis a painful memory, for sure. My love for Narik fell once I met Onirelin, but my love for him was not reciprocated. Now I am left with no one to share my life, with only this ring as a reminder. Narik may have it back if he desires it, but then I shall be left truly alone. Boiron Ston once held a door open for me, such a handsome dwarf he is. If he could only find more time to spend with me, giving up this ring would be no problem at all. Do you think he likes me? Could you ask him and find out?'

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Boiron Ston ( +28, +328, -123 )

     Your Location is 28.85, 328.14, -123.44

You say, 'Hail, Boiron Ston'

Boiron Ston says 'Welcome to New Tanaan, traveler. The practice of smithing is a time-honored tradition for my people. My particular specialty is craftsmanship of plate armor for the larger races of Norrath. Feel free to search my stock for anything you might need to help aid your pursuit of this skill.'

You say, 'Do you like Elisha Dirtyshoes?'

Boiron Ston says 'Aye, she's a pretty lass. And I am aware of her feelings toward me. I haven't had the courage to approach her though. My family standard has recently disappeared, and no dwarf is the same when their standard is in jeopardy. Seek out Caden Zharik and demand my standard back, I believe he may have lifted it from me.'

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Caden Zharik ( -348, +752, -92 )

     Your Location is -348.24, 752.44, -92.68

You say, 'Hail, Caden Zharik'

Caden Zharik says 'What? Oh, sorry. You appear to be harmless enough. Never can be too careful these days, you know. Say, as long as you're here, would you care to have a look at my stock of supplies and see if there's anything you might need? I worked really hard to scrounge this together, won't you just like to have a look?'

You say, 'Do you have a dwarf's standard?'

Caden Zharik turns white with fear. 'Ah, so he sent you to rough me up, did he? Fine, but you should know you couldn't hurt me any worse than Agrakath Theric would! I'm in a bit of trouble you see, I owe Agrakath some money I haven't got. So I stole the standard to pay him off. If you could please find him and have him somehow erase my debt, I would gladly give the standard back.'

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Agrakath Theric ( -553, +1211, -121 )

     Your Location is -553.02, 1211.07, -121.67

You say, 'Hail, Agrakath Theric'

Agrakath Theric regards you indifferently. 'You appear to be new around here, as I have not seen your face walking these streets before. If you have come seeking knowledge, the library of Myrist will be a most excellent resource for you. If you have come for any other reason, I'm afraid your quest will not go very far with me, as I do not have much time to hear of your escapades. Good day.'

You say, 'Can you erase Caden's debt?'

Agrakath Theric grins and says, 'So, that weasel Caden has sent you to settle his debt? And you actually agreed to this endeavor? Ha ha, very well! I shall transfer the responsibility of what Caden owes me to your shoulders. I have a simple job for you. Somewhere in the library there lies a book I have been searching for, but it has eluded me for quite some time. I believe it can be found somewhere in the upper levels. You are to venture into Myrist and seek out a tome titled History of Evils: The Age of Scale, and bring it to me. Do this one task for me and your debt shall be relinquished.'

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History of Evils: The Age of Scale ( -93, +976, +67 )

     Your Location is -93.09, 976.06, 67.82

You enter the main library and procede to the third floor.

You say, 'Hail, Sir Geravaldi'

. . .

You say, 'Aeawen told me to find a book here.'

You search the shelf in front of Sir Geravaldi. On the bottom shelf, under a large slanted book, you notice a small book that seems out of place. You have found the book you are looking for!

History of Evils: The Age of Scale

Settling All Debts
Working your way back to Willamina
History of Evils: The Age of Scale      You give the History of Evils: The Age of Scale
to Agrakath Theric ( -553, +1211, -121 )

Agrakath Theric eyes go wide with surprise as you hand over the book. 'Very impressive for one of your abilities. Here, take this note to Caden. He is absolved of his debt to me at this time.'

You receive a Note to Caden.

You gain experience!!

Note to Caden      You give the Note to Caden
to Caden Zharik ( -348, +752, -92 )

Caden Zharik eyes go wide with relief. 'Oh thank you thank you! Here, take the standard. And do apologize to Boiron for me. It shall never happen again. Again, thank you!'

You receive Boiron's Standard.

You gain experience!!

Boiron's Standard      You give Boiron's Standard
to Boiron Ston ( +28, +328, -123 )

Boiron Ston seems to perk up. 'Ah, 'tis a beauty, is it not? I thank you for its safe return. Perhaps I shall go and visit Elisha after all. Please take this letter to her, so she may be ready for me when I arrive.'

You receive a Letter to Elisha.

You gain experience!!

Letter to Elisha      You give the Letter to Elisha
to Elisha Dirtyshoes ( +394, +938, -92 )

Elisha Dirtyshoes reads the letter and says, 'Oh happy day! Boiron will be visiting me soon. You may take Narik's ring back to him now. If you'll excuse me, I have some cleaning up to do.'

You receive Narik's Ring.

You gain experience!!

Narik's Ring      You give Narik's Ring
to Arch Mage Narik ( +440, +145, -153 )

Arch Mage Narik says 'This is truly excellent. You have done well recovering this for me. You may take Onirelin's jewel and also tell him never to set foot near me again. Leave me now, I have much work to do.'

You receive Onirelin's Jewel.

You gain experience!!

Onirelin's Jewel      You give Onirelin's Jewel
to Onirelin Gali ( -655, +1049, -124 )

Onirelin Gali says 'How did you get this away from Narik? Oh never mind, I'm just happy to have it back. I shall give you what Cador desires now, keep it secure and deliver it to him.'

You receive Cador's Artifact.

You gain experience!!

Cador's Artifact      You give Cador's Artifact
to Oracle Cador ( +687, +158, -156 )

Oracle Cador says 'The spirits are restful now that this piece of legend is in safe hands. You may take this to Mirao for whatever purpose he desires it for. May your vision always be clear!'

You receive Black Lava Powder.

You gain experience!!

Black Lava Powder      You give the Black Lava Powder
to Mirao Frostpouch ( -87, -204, -156 )

Mirao Frostpouch takes the powder and quickly dashes it into a boiling cauldron. He then stirs it and pours the concoction into a small bottle. 'Here you go, this should make poor Bolcen feel much better. Hurry now, he's waiting.'

You receive Curative Potion.

You gain experience!!

Curative Potion      You give the Curative Potion
to Bolcen Tendag ( +683, +948, -124 )

Bolcen Tendag says 'Oh thank you so much.' He drinks from the bottle, then reaches in his pocket and produces a set of needles. 'I believe this is what Willamina is in need of. Please take these to her and give her my best.'

You receive the New Sewing Needles.

You gain experience!!

New Sewing Needles      You give the New Sewing Needles
to Willamina ( -427, +1160, -125 )

Willamina takes the needles and smiles. 'Thank you so much, kind stranger. I can't tell you how much you have really helped by doing this for me. It's funny, you know. The entire city seems to be in a happier mood today. I can't quite put my finger on it, but everyone seems to have uplifted spirits. Oh well, thank you again. I have something you may find to be of use to you, if you would be interested. Remember, knowledge is the key to life.'

You receive your very own Planar Traveler's Manual!

You gain experience!!

Planar Traveler's Manual

New Character Models - Essential Information - Aeawen
Old Character Models - All NPC Text - Temperance

Many thanks to Aeawen
for gathering this information!
Recompiled by Temperance

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