Legend for Flags 9: Dragons

Check Samanna's Reference Desk for full information.
Detailed Walkthrough -- Check List


    You must work on gaining faction before you are able to request quests and raids ("single" and "shared" tasks). Completing the missions is not enough, better faction is needed as you progress to the higher tiered missions.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
      Faction Needed
Apprehensive / Dubious
High Amiable
    There are NPCs in Lavastorm Mountains outside the caves that offer simple Single Tasks to help raise your faction standing with either side, good or evil.
Good aligned faction
Firiona Vie
Keepers of Norrath
Radiant Crystals
Norrath's Keepers Token
      Evil aligned faction
Lynas Ty`Val
Dark Reign
Ebon Crystals
Dark Reign Token
    More Tasks are given inside the caves. All progression missions are given inside the caves.
    There is a caveat that "helping the enemy" will destroy your faction standing with your old alliance. (See Rewards.)


    Single Tasks: Although some people can perform these alone, single means that each person must do these tasks. It is much easier if several people get the same task and work on it together.
    If one step of the task is to "Kill 6 Goblins" and your entire group finds the goblins and kills goblins, EACH KILL will progress EACH PLAYER. This benefit applies to killing only, not "Explore" or "Loot" or "Turn in" events, each player must personally take an action to get that credit.
    These can be done with an unlimited amount of time, they do not expire.
    These tasks take place in persistant (normal) zones.
    These appear on the Flags chart as "S" tasks, ie "Tier 1 S3," or "S.1.3" (Single type task, Tier 1, 3rd single task).

    Group Tasks: These Shared Missions are intended to be done by a group of three to six players. Any action performed by one group member gives credit to the entire group - exploring, killing, giving and looting all go toward completing the task.
    Shared Missions typically have a maximum time limit of six hours and will expire (go away) when the timer runs out regardless of your success or failure.
    These tasks take place in instanced zones. If you are in the instanced zone after the mission ends (lack of numbers to keep the mission alive, remove/quit the mission or timer runs out) you will be ejected to the area where you entered the instanced zone. Any corpses left inside the instanced zone might take a few minutes to appear outisde once ended.
    These appear on the Flags chart as "G" tasks, ie "Tier 2 G1," or "G.2.1" (Group type task, Tier 2, 1st group task).

    Raid Missions: These are large scale events. You do not need to be the one requesting the raid, raid invitations are sufficient. Plan on attending these raids more than once since the raid target only ever drops six of the proof-of-completion items.
    Raid Missions also run on a timer.
    Raids take place in instanced zones.
    These appear on the Flags chart as "R" tasks, ie "Tier 3 R2," or "R.3.2" (Raid type task, Tier 3, 2nd raid task).

    Dragons: There are five dragons, but honestly I don't know how they relate to the progression...

    Reviewing your completed missions: There is no NPC for this progression line to tell you what you have done, to determine how far along you have come you will need to open your Task/Quest Manager window (usually ALT-Q) and look at your History.
    To see how many Tiers have been completed look for Progression abilites at the bottom of the Special tab in your Alternate Abilities window.


    Money: The completion of faction or single tasks will reward you some monetary compensation for your assistance toward your cause.

    Crystals: The completion of Shared Tasks will give each player a number of Crystals depending on the task's difficulty. Depending on the faction of the quest giving NPC you will be rewarded with either Radiant (good) or Ebon (evil) Crystals.
    Crystals can be traded between players like coin (Bazaar) and are used as the exclusive currency in the faction camps for armor, weapons, augmentations and spells.

    Tokens: Besides receiving Crystals you will also receive a lore faction specific Token. These are given to a specific NPC in the faction camps to improve your faction with that camp.
    You may gain experience, Crystals, loot, etc. from any task - good or evil. If you are working on Keeper faction and receive a token from a Dark Reign task then you will want to either destroy it since you don't want to ruin your standing with the Keepers or bank it to prevent ever receiving another of those tokens.
    Chances are that once you decide on a faction, good or evil, you will not want to change since it will require very much faction work with the tedious faction tasks. At this point receiving a Token that opposes your faction is a waste since you will be Kill-on-Sight to that faction and won't be able to hand it in anyway.
    You can change your faction alignment, but it will take time. There are NPCs in the Mercenary camp in Lavastorm (outside of the caves) that will accept Tokens regardless of your current faction.
    It is said that if you do manage to give aid to the enemy then you forfeit your previous faction and any benefits derived from it.

    Alternate Abilities: Upon completing each of the five tiers you will receive AA points and a new Special Alternate Ability at no cost of AA points.

Tier 1      Gift      grants you increased statistics
Tier 2 Valor/Tenacity add HP/Mana/Endur to bases stats
Tier 3 Embrace increase buff slot limit   [by one]
Tier 4 Power increase chance of critical damage
Tier 5 Sanctity/Fervor ?