------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crusaders of Greenmist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Starts in: Cabilis East Who: Librarian Zimor Rating: Good (4.10) Estimated Time: Days Minimum Level: 50 Maximum Level: 65 Best Class: Shadow Knight Quest Items: A Note to Oxyn (-LN) A Piece of Parchment $ A Quill $ Bottle of Liquid Deklium (-LN) Chunk of Tynnonium (-LN) Cracked Mirror of Self-Loathing (-LN) (The mirror is cracked) Greenish Metal Shard (-L-) (Greenmist Shard) Greenmist Design Pattern (-LN) Greenmist Khukri Blade (-LN) Hammer of 1406 (-LN) Lord of Pain's Khukri Mirror of Self-Loathing (-LN) Note to Librarian Zimor (-LN) Notes from the Greenmist Tome (-LN) Rile's Shattered Blade (-LN) The History of the Greenmist (-L-) Additional Zones: The Overthere Lake of Ill Omen Karnor's Castle Crypt of Dalnir Chardok Charasis Related Creatures: A Glowing Cliff Golem Alchemist Granika An Alchemist`s Acolyte Drusella Sathir Haggle Baron Dalnir Hierophant Oxyn Loremaster Piza`tak The Tormented Tradesman Weaponsmith Ko'zirr Related Quests: Crusader's Test of the Pawn Crusader's Test of Pain Crusader's Test of Suffering Crusader's Test of the Zealot Crusader's Test of Betrayal The Visceral Dagger Crusader's Test of the Hero Crusader's Test of the Lord Submitted by: Klissar Silverspine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Librarian Zimor is located in the Shadowknight's guild. You say, 'Hail, Librarian Zimor' Librarian Zimor says 'Hail, citizen, I hope that you are here to assist. We are gathering Crusaders to make an assault on the Libraries of Chardok. The slave creations have thrived in their sanctuary for too long. The tomes and texts they have stolen to fill their library belong us. They are even rumored to have a text on the Sacred Khukri of Rile, the Greenmist. If you see such a tome, you must bring it to me immediately. May Cazic-Thule guide you! Kill Loremaster Piza'Tak or Grand Loremaster Di`Korr in Chardok library and loot The History of the Greenmist. Upon handing this book to Librarian Zimor: Librarian Zimor looks disturbed as he examines the book. His hands tremble as he mouths the words on the ancient parchment pages. "This book may alter the reality you see before you," the scholar says as he continues to read the tome. "The information that has been waiting in this book may have been brought to us by your hand, but your fate has obviously been chosen by our Lord. Our mystics have conveyed a new vision to us in this most recent season. Please take this note to Hierophant Oxyn, while I continue to translate this tome." the Librarian hands you a note and turns his attention back to the book. You receive Note to Heirophant Oxyn. Hand this note to Hierophant Oxyn, who can be found downstairs. Hierophant Oxyn takes the note and begins to howl into the air! "The visions are true! The new prophecy begins today, Crusader," the mystics growls with pleasure. He quickly turns and takes a bottle of murky liquid from one of his potion bags and hands it to you. "Take this and keep it safe. Our visions have told of this day. We have been able to learn of the metal of prophecy. This liquid will help us to locate it's true resting place! You receive a Bottle of Liquid Deklium. You say ‘What is in this bottle of liquid?’ Heirophant Oxyn says "The bottle contains deklium in a liquid solution. The metal of prophecy has been determined to rest in a mass of living earth. Our scholars have written of a mass of ore that fell from the heavens. This ore was used in the creation of a blade of our father, Rile. We have been filled with visions of this blade. I have seen it in the hands of our Crusaders as they march towards the new age of Greenmist! Seek out the corrupted earth that guards the interlopers. We have an alchemist near there. He will be able to use the deklium to determine which golem contains the metal. Take care to go in force. I sense that there will be a battle. Alchemist Granika is at The Overthere Outpost outside of East wall. You say, ‘Hail, Alchemist Granika’ Alchemist Granika says, 'If you were sent to me, show proof or be gone from my sight! You give Alchemist Granika the Bottle of Liquid Deklium. Alchemist Granika says "If Heirophant Oxyn has sent this with you, I can assume that our visions were corect. The new age is calling us from the heavens. Prepare for battle. I will take this solution to the Outlander's gates and use it to reveal the location of the metal of prophecy. Should I not return, you will only need to find the creature that glows without the use of a torch. Deklium glows when it gets near the smallest trace of tynnomium. Prepare for battle, Crusader... I am off". A Glowing Cliff Golem spawns just inside the side exit of the Outpost near your location. He and 5 other mobs walk straight out of the Outpost and the skeletal guards all take a post position. If you watch him for a moment, the golem will walk away from the other mobs and you can snag him easily by himself. He's a 1 group kill if you have 55+ warrior for main tank and a cleric to CHeal. Loot a Chunk of Tynnonium and take it back to Heirophant Oxyn: Heirophant Oxyn holds the ore in his hands and begins to chant. His eyes go white as he raises the chunk of ore above his head. He lowers his arms and shakes his head for a moment. His eyes return to their normal state as they focus on you. The shaman hands you the ore and says, 'Seek out the creator of Rile's blade. He is still on this plane. I have felt his torment. Take this note to Librarian Zimor. He learned a great deal from the tome and can instruct you further. (Not mentioned, he returns to you the Chunk of Tynnonium) You receive a Note to Librarian Zimor. Upon giving this to Zimor: Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned. Your discovery of the tynnonium is extraordinary! This Sarnak tome has been an incredible source of information. It appears that they have been studying the Greenmist for some time. I'm sure they sought it as nothing more than a trinket to be collected. Their shortsightedness will be their eventual undoing. I have compiled a book of notes that will aid you in your quest for the Greenmist. Please take care to keep this information out of the grasp of our enemies.' You receive Notes from the Greenmist Tome, which reads as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------- "I made these notes from my interpretation of the Sarnak tome. Read them carefully. The weaponsmith who created the Greenmist still exists in some form. He has been tormented for a very long time and may not remember his art. If this is the case, there may still be some chance of recovering the design of the sacred blade. The key lies with the Lich-King's beloved. It is rumored the lich had a mirror created that allows his beloved Drusella to see her former self in its reflection. Perhaps this artifact can offer you some assistance in this quest. Several items will be needed to recreate the Greenmist Khukri. A special hammer was specifically created to fold and sculpt the weapon's blade. Both the Greenmist and this hammer were created on the same day. Only the year is know. The year was 1406. The tome mentions that the Sarnak were actively seeking the tool. The formula that will be needed to smelt the Tynnonium is written in the back of this book. Use this book when you find the forge needed to create the Khukri. You will need a design pattern, the block of Tynnonium, the hammer, and this tome to create the Greenmist blade. To finish the weapon, you will need the Lord of Pain's Khukri, this tome, the hammer, the Greenmist blade, and a Greenmist shard or fragment. We have not found any Greenmist fragments. All items must be forged in the hottest of all forges, the Forge of Dalnir. May the will of Cazik Thule guide you." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Kill Weaponsmith Ko`zirr in Lake of Ill Omen. He's down the hall from the chancellor's room along with three imperial escorts. Loot the Hammer of 1406. Kill the an Alchemist`s Acolyte in Chardok Herbalist area and loot a Greenish Metal Shard. Shattered Blade of Rile is located in Karnor's Castle. It is sitting on top of a large wooden box adjacent to the jail area where the Drovlarg Warlord spawns. (location 12 on EQAtlas map). It looks like a dagger that's been dropped on the ground. This is Rile's Shattered Blade. Kill Drusella Sathir in Howling Stones and loot the Mirror of Self Loathing. Give the Mirror of Self Loathing to The Tormented Tradesman in the forge room of the Crypt of Dalnir, he spawns The Haggle Baron Dalnir. When you hand him the mirror the following text appears: The undead entity looks in the mirror and appears to be stunned by the memory of his former self. He drops the mirror, which causes it to crack slightly. You immediately grab it and place it back in your bag. The spirit looks at you and begins to transform. Ethereal strands of muscle, blood, and flesh come together and the Haggle Baron Dalnir appears. You receive Cracked Mirror. (NOTE: Haggle Baron Dalnir is iksar but is on beta neutral faction.) You say, ‘Hail, Haggle Baron Dalnir’ Haggle Baron Dalnir says 'I have little time to speak. I can feel this facade weakening already. A Scaled Mystic came to me during my time of torment. He spoke to me. He said that a new time was hiding behind the darkness of the horizon. You seek Master Rile's Khukri. I can diagram it for you... Arrrgh! I feel the pull of torment upon me! Return to me with a piece of parchment, a quill, and Rile's Shattered Blade. Use your mirror again to bring me back and I will try to remember the design. Please be quick! Give Piece of Parchment, Quill and Rile's Shattered Blade to Haggle Baron Dalnir: Haggle Baron Dalnir stares at the broken blade for some time. After a few moments of studying, the apparition begins to draw and scribble on the parchment. He works with amazing speed as the memories from his past flood from his quill. The diagrams and runes that etch the surface of the parchment begin to glow. The legendary Haggle Baron rolls the parchment and hands it to you. Smiling, he bows deeply and quickly fades away. You receive a Greenmist Design Pattern. In the Dalnir Forge you place: Greenmist Design Pattern Block of Tynnonium Hammer of 1406 Notes from the Greenmist Tome You receive Greenmist Khukri Blade: LORE / NO DROP, weight 2.5. In the Dalnir Forge combine: Lord of Pain's Khukri Greenish Metal Shard Greenmist Khukri Blade Hammer of 1406 Notes from the Greenmist Tome The new combined product is Greenmist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reward(s): (updated) Greenmist MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: PRIMARY Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 22 DMG: 18 AC: 5 Bane DMG: Shissar +6 STR: +5 DEX: +5 INT: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV MAGIC: +25 SV POISON: +5 Effect: Greenmist (Combat) at Level 45 WT: 4.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: SHD Race: HUM ERU DEF TRL OGR GNM IKS FRG Slot 1, Type 4 Greenmist (Proc) [Greenmist Recourse (PC effect)] 2: Decrease STR by 3 (L1) to 20 (L34) 4: Decrease HP by 15 (L1) to 30 (L30) 6: Decrease AC by 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------