------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crusader's Test of Betrayal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Starts in: Cabilis East Who: Lord Qyzar Rating: Not so Good (2.83) Estimated Time: Minimum Level: 30 Maximum Level: 65 Best Class: Shad Quest Items: A Coin (-LN) Charasis Tome (MLN) Charasis Tome Copy (MLN) Zealot's Khukri Additional Zones: Firiona Vie Related Creatures: A Drachnid Spy An Iksar Crusader Hero Goxnok Tracker Azeal Related Quests: Crusader's Test of the Pawn Crusader's Test of Pain Crusader's Test of Suffering Crusader's Test of the Zealot ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After completing the zealot's quest and recieving the zealot's khukri, Lord Qyzar says that now that you are part of the temple (or somthing like that) he can use you in a [matter of betrayal]. Here are the steps to complete the quest: 1. Speak to Lord Qyzar (2nd floor SK guild on balcony) ask him about a [matter of betrayal] he will mention the Hero Goxnok is investigating the issue, and you should meet him at once. 2. Dash down to the bottom of the tower closest to where you and the lord are speaking (westward). At the bottom you will see that "an iksar crusader" has spawned. 3. You say, 'I will help apprehend the traitor' an Iksar crusader spies the khukri sheath at your side. 'This cannot be. I was told a duke would attend the matter. Still, if the Lords have sent you, then you must be able to complete the task. The [traitor] most certainly must be stopped from delivering the [Charasis Tome]. The [recipients] appear quite formidable and I cannot handle such a deed, not single-handed.' You say, 'what about the charasis tome?' an Iksar crusader says 'The Charasis Tome, the tome of the old city of Charasis. It was taken from this temple and must be returned. The one sent to [apprehend the traitor] who stole the tome must be [ready to depart] with me at once.' You say, 'I am ready to depart' an Iksar crusader slings his pack on his back and locks his sheath. 'Very well. I shall follow shortly. You must depart on your own. Go to the plains of the old skinless outpost. Beware, they have returned and patrol the hillside. Keep an eye on the gates of the outpost. I will be disguised within their ranks, I shall kneel as a sign. Give me this coin as your token.' 4. Get some Sow potions if possible and head to Firiona Vie. You begin by going SW from the Lake of Ill Omen until you hit a cliff area and a few rocks (there should be others camping Drovargs a few steps away ... go invis... When you reach this point, at a larger rock, you should find "Tracker Azeal" 5. Only attempt the following at Night (7ish game time). Remove your invis and con the tracker from far away. If he cons "scowl" wait for the next one. (It may be that both are present all the time, but one is just invisible). If he cons "indifferent", then it's the Hero Goxnok in disquise. You have to do the next part quick because pilgrims and drixies love to wander past this area. Hand "tracker azeal" the silver "A COIN" and it will say Tracker Azeal begins to pull off his face... It is a disquise! AHA! You have made it! "I cannot see well in this disquise, but, I thought I smelled you. I have [news of the Charasis Tome] 6. Ask him "what news of the charasis tome" and he will then reply: "The Charasis Tome has been scribed and now another copy exists. The traitor obviously wants to keep a copy for himself. I am told you will deliver both copies to Lord Qyzar along with your Zealot Khukri and you shall be awarded that of a crusader. Let us rest for a minute, and then I shall show you the meeting place" 7. Here's where you must be sowed. You will follow Hero Goxnok straight through FV. He will stop a couple of times to let you catch up. I recommend using a far away camera angle (F9) to avoid any suprising MoBs. 8. Eventually, he will stop and say: "Look!! there past the wolf people, near an ancient tunnel can be found the meeting place. I fear we may be too late. I thought I saw a shadow dash from the tunnels, but, I did not see any of the spider riders. We will see when we reach it. (follow him once again) 9. Now you will confront the "drachnid spy". Make sure that when you are fighting it you remain FAR way from the posted Drovargs near the tunnel's entrance. The Drachnid spy will say "You shall not take the tome from me!! I shall snack upon your blood drained corpse. 10. Slay the drachnid spy. During the fight, you should take note that Hero Goxnok has been healing the drachnid spy. After you loot the CHARASIS TOME from the drachnid spy's corpse, Hero Goxnok will say : He sighs slowly, seeing the confusion on your face. He says "Yes (your name here), I am the traitor. What I can gain by giving up this tome outweighs any patriotic obligations, I may have once had. That city is dead, it is now time for you to choose Iksar. You can walk away and never speak of this to anyone.... or you can die...what will it be? 11. Slay hero Goxnok (be cautious of his harm touch). Loot his corpse. Grab the CHARASIS TOME COPY and the FS weapon (a few pp can never hurt). Proceed back to the city of Cabilis, SHD guild, second floor (Lord Qyzar) 12. Hand in the 2 copies of the tome, and your Zealot Khukri, and finally...you will own a CRUSADER KHUKRI, receiving the following information: Lord Qyzar says `Congratulations! You are now a true crusader, but there is no time for celebration. We have lost two of our operatives. Crusaders Golin and Fodcod were dispatched to seek out an ancient artifact, the [visceral dagger]. Where they have gone, I do not know. They have been gone far too long. Find them and return the dagger to me with your crusader khukri and you shall be a hero.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reward(s): (updated) Crusader's Khukri MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE Slot: PRIMARY Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 26 DMG: 8 INT: +3 SV MAGIC: +3 SV POISON: +3 WT: 4.5 Size: MEDIUM Class: SHD Race: HUM ERU DEF TRL OGR GNM IKS FRG Slot 1, Type 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > I am in FV at (+3750,+2500) the NW corner near SoNH. > > The kneeling Tracker is at (+1560,+2550) by a rock > near the land's southern cliffs. > > A lot of creatures on the way see through invisibility, > so no wonder this quest is level 30 (when SHD get > Spell: Feign Death). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Spells were changed to be more like Bards (something > every level) rather than in clumps. FD is now Level 24! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Prior to the 6th Anniversary (DoN, then DoD) there is > trouble with the Dark Elves; they have overtaken the > High Elf port outpost in Firiona Vie. The High Elves are > now in what were the Drolvarg-filled Iksar ruins at the > north end of the zone. > Not sure how to proceed with the Traitor quest: > Is the Tracker/Hero NPC on the same path? > Is the traitor fight somewhere near the same location?