An introduction to do methods

Do is a method associated with collection objects. It iterates over every element
of the list and executes some action. Here is the format:

«listExpression».do { «parameter» ->

Where the quoted components, «listExpression», «parameter» and «action», are replaced by Grace program elements. «listExpression» is any expression that evaluates to a list, and «action» is any sequence of Grace statements.

«parameter» is a fresh variable name, the parameter of the block. You can use whatever name you wish; the name each is a good one if you can’t think of soemthing more specific. The parameter is declared just by writing its name between the opening brace { and the arrow ->. Normally, «action» will involve the use of «parameter»; if you don’t use «parameter», ask yourself why you are using do.

The do method acts in exactly the same way as a for loop; for compatibility with other languages, Grace also has for loop, although do methods are more concise. Both the for loop and the do method execute a block of code once for each element of the collection. That element is bound to the parameter of the block.