The matrix module implements 2-dimensional matrices, which as far as possible
conform to the interface for collections.
The matrix module object can be imported using import "matrix" as m
for any identifier m
of your choice.
Constructing Matrices
The request m.matrix⟦T⟧(r, c) → m.MatrixFactory⟦T⟧
will return a MatrixFactory
object that can be used to construct matrices with r
rows, c
columns, and elements of
type T
objects respond to the following requests.
type MatrixFactory⟦T⟧ = interface {
zeros → Matrix⟦Number⟧
// a matrix where all values are equal to 0; value(n) is more general
rows(rows: Collection⟦Collection⟦T⟧⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// a matrix with the collection rows as its rows;
// throws MatrixDimensionsError if the rows are not all the same size
columns(columns: Collection⟦Collection⟦T⟧⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// a matrix with the collection columns as its columns;
// throws MatrixDimensionsError if the columns are not all the same size
value(v:T) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// a matrix where all values are equal to v
values(vs: Collection⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// a matrix whose values are vs;
// throws MatrixDimensionsError if vs.size ≠ rows * columns
2-dimensional matrix operations
objects represent 2-dimensional matrices, with the following interface.
type Matrix⟦T⟧ = Collection⟦T⟧ & interface {
size -> Number
// returns the number of values in self
numRows → Number
// returns the number of rows in self
numColumns → Number
// returns the number of columns in self
atRow(r:Number) column(c:Number) put (v:T) → Matrix
// adds the value 'v' at row r, column c
// raises BoundsError if index at r,c does not exist
atRow(r:Number) column(c:Number) → T
// returns the value at row r, column c
// raises BoundsError if index at r,c does not exist
atRow(r:Number) column(c:Number) ifAbsent(action:Procedure0) → T
// returns the value at row r, column c
// executes 'action' if index at r,c does not exist
row(r:Number) → Collection⟦T⟧
// returns row r as a collection
// raises BoundsError if row index r does not exist
column(c:Number) → Collection⟦T⟧
// returns column c as a collection
// raises BoundsError if column index c does not exist
rows → Enumerable⟦Enumerable⟦T⟧⟧
// returns an enumerable collection over the rows of the matrix
columns → Enumerable⟦Enumerable⟦T⟧⟧
// returns an enumerable collection over the columns of the matrix
values → Enumerable⟦T⟧
// returns an enumerable collection over the values of the matrix
+(other:Matrix⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns the value-wise sum of self and other;
// raises MatrixDimensionsError if the dimensions of other don't match those of 'self'
-(other:Matrix⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns the value-wise difference of two matrices
// raises MatrixDimensionsError if the dimensions of other don't match those of 'self'
*(other) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns the value-wise product of self and other if the argument other is a matrix;
// returns the product of other mapped over all the elements of self if other is a scalar.
// Raises MatrixDimensionsError if the dimensions of other don't match the dimesions of self
/(other) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns the value-wise quotient of self and other if the argument other is a matrix;
// returns the quotient of other mapped over all the elements of self if other is a scalar.
// Raises MatrixDimensionsError if the dimensions of other don't match the dimesions of 'self'
transpose → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns the transpose of self
times(other:Matrix⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns the matrix product of self and other
// raises MatrixDimensionsError if the dimensions of other are not compatible with the
// dimensions of self
reshapeWithNumRows(rs:Number) numColumns(cs:Number) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// redefines the number of rows and columns in self, if compatible with the number of values
// raises MatrixDimensionsError if the product of the new dimensions is not the same as
// the product of the current dimensions.
reshapeWithNumRows(rs:Number) numColumns(cs:Number)
additionalValues(vs:Collection⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// redefines the number of rows and columns in self,
// raises MatrixDimensionsError if the product of the new dimensions
// is not equal to the product of the current dimensions plus the size of the additional values
addRow(row:Collection⟦T⟧) at(index:Number) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// adds a row to the matrix at the specified index; raises MatrixDimensionsError
// if the length of the row is not equal to the number of columns in self
deleteRow(r:Number) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// removes the row at the specified index from the matrix
// raises BoundsError if the index r is not within the number of rows in self
addColumn(column:Collection⟦T⟧) at(index:Number) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// adds a column to the matrix at the specified index; raises MatrixDimensionsError
// if the length of the column is not equal to the number of rows in self
deleteColumn(c:Number) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// removes the column at the specified index from self
// raises BoundsError if the index c is not within the number of columns of self
replaceRowAt(r:Number) with(row:Collection⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// replaces the row at index r with row. Raises MatrixDimensionsError
// if the row.size is not equal to the number of columns in self;
// raises BoundsError if the index r is not within the number of rows of self
replaceColumnAt(c:Number) with(column:Collection⟦T⟧) → Matrix⟦T⟧
// replaces the column at index c with the given collection.
// Raises MatrixDimensionsError if column.size is not equal to the number of rows in self;
// raises BoundsError if the index c is not within the number of columns of self
copy → Matrix⟦T⟧
// returns a new matrix with the same values and dimensions as self