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External Devices

External devices extend the capabilities of the Circuit Playground Express. For Invention Bootcamp 2021, we use an external micro-OLED display, a SGP30 air quality sensor and a small DC fan.

Table of contents

  1. I2C
  2. Micro-OLED display
  3. SGP30 Air Quality Sensor
  4. DC Fan


I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a serial communication protocol that can simplify the connection between a microcontroller and external devices such as sensors and displays. You will also see I2C written IIC or \(\mathrm{I}^2\mathrm{C}\).

Some background on I2C and how to connect STEMMA/QT (Qwiic) connectors to the Circuit Playground Express are described on a separate page.

Micro-OLED display

Small Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) displays are relatively inexpensive devices for text and graphical output from an Arduino board.

Read more about connecting a micro-OLED display to the Circuit Playground Express on a separate page.

SGP30 Air Quality Sensor

The SGP30 is a sensor from Sensiron that provides measurements to indicate CO2 and TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) in the air around the sensor.

Read more about connecting the SGP30 to the Circuit Playground Express on a separate page.

DC Fan

Read more about connecting a small DC Fan to the Circuit Playground Express on a separate page.