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Invention Bootcamp 2021

Invention Bootcamp at Portland State

Invention Bootcamp is a four-week summer camp for high school students. Participants apply the skills of human-centered design, fabrication and Arduino programming to create an invention that addresses the theme of the camp. For 2021, the theme is indoor air quality. On the last day of camp students present their invention to the public.

The camp is taught by PSU faculty and a team of undergraduate engineering students serving as mentors. In addition to learning invention skills, participants spend lots of time in small groups with the mentors to learn about what it’s like to pursue STEM subjects in college. Our goal is to reach high school students who may not be considering a STEM career, or who might not even consider going to college a personal option. By learning about their own potential for creativity and invention, and about the skills that make invention possible, we hope to inspire camp participants to find a path to a professional career.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 version of Invention Bootcamp will be a remote experience.

Features of the 2021 camp

  • Sessions are Monday through Friday, June 28 - July 23, 2021, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Participants work daily with college students who are program mentors
  • Training in engineering software, computer programming, microcontrollers and electrical circuits
  • Participants design and fabricate an invention that they conceive
  • Guest speakers show opportunities and practices of invention
  • Participants show their inventions at a public Finale webinar