What's Next for the PCBCAT

Last update: 20 November 1995

Version 1.0 of the PCBCAT is nearly completed. The main piece of unfinished work is the implementation of the DEVICE object. When that's done I'll finish the manual, and decide what to do next.

I'm looking for funding to continue this project. If your company is interested in sponsoring this work, give me a call or send me e-mail. I would like to continue to develop the PCBCAT software, and I have specific plans for how to increase the accuracy and applicability of the tools, especially the flow model. I plan to continue offering executable versions of the PCBCAT for free. Future development will have to compete with other projects unless I can arrange funding to move PCBCAT to top priority.

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Gerald Recktenwald <gerry@me.pdx.edu>
Portland State University, Portland, OR