Computational Cinematography and Photography | |
The advance in imaging technology enables people to capture
more images and videos. However, most of them are captured by amateur users, and are of low quality, due to various
reasons, such as the lack of experience, skill, and professional equipment.
My research provides automatic or interactive tools for people to improve
image and video quality.
3D Video Stabilization: A 3D
virtual cinematography system that uses structure from motion to estimate the 3D camera motion and a set of 3D scene points, plans a new stabilized camera path, and generates
the final video by novel view synthesis. This system is featured by the
content-preserving warp that transforms each frame to follow the new
camera motion while avoiding visual distortion. This feature makes our
system work well with scene motion in a video. Content-Preserving Warps for 3D Video Stabilization Feng Liu, Michael Gleicher, Hailin Jin and Aseem Agarwala ACM SIGGRAPH 2009. PDF Website Youtube |
The first solution for achieving an idealized camera
path from a shaky video in 2D. Re-cinematography: Improving the Camera Dynamics of Casual Video Michael Gleicher and Feng Liu ACM Multimedia 2007, pp.27-36. (best paper runner-up) PDF Website
Re-cinematography: Improving the Camerawork of Casual
Video |
Shadow removal: an approach for
removing shadows in a photograph while requiring only rough user input and creating texture consistency between the shadow and lit areas.
Texture-Consistent Shadow Removal |
Image and video super-resolution: an algorithm for image and video super resolution that aims to maximize the visual quality. Visual-Quality
Optimizing Super Resolution