CS 410/510: System Administration and DevOps
Location: EB 103 (TR 10:30-12:50)
Instructor: D. Kevin McGrath
- PDX username: dmcgrath
- Office hours:
- Location: FAB 140 and Zoom (PW: PSUSecure)
- Times:
- Monday: 10:30 - 13:30 (I may duck out to grab lunch at some point)
- Tuesday: Code Party! 18:00 - 22:00 (FAB Fishbowl and 140)
- Wednesday: 09:30 - 11:30 (Zoom only)
- Whenever you see me in my office with the door open
- By appointment
- Software configuration
- tmux config
- Technical Writing
- FreeBSD Setup Script
- Powershell profile
- Networking Fundamentals
- tcpdump
- Wireshark
Each homework will build on the previous assignment. These aren’t your typical “write answers to questions” type assignments, but rather are intended to be more hands-on. We will be adding to, modifying, or otherwise doing something to the VM environment to enable us to do something else. The first assignment will be to get the VM environment set up and configured. Subsequent assignments will build on this.