
Hacking WiFi!

Due Date: 2024-05-20 23:59:59


So you’ve followed the instructions to break into WiFi networks. Now, what should we do with that?

What you must do

  1. Using the bettercap tool, crack the NetSec WiFi network password. This is a WPA2 network, and is currently living in FAB 88-03. It is accessible for various points in the near vicinity of that room. You have already used the aircrack suite to do this, so you know the password. But let’s pretend we don’t.
    1. Use bettercap to find the BSSID and connected clients of the NetSec network.
    2. Use bettercap to perform a deauth attack on the network and capture the 4-way handshake.
    3. Use the hcx toolsuite to convert the captured handshake to a format that hashcat can understand.
    4. Crack the password using hashcat. You should use the rockyou.txt wordlist.
  2. Once you have documented all of the above (commands, output, everything you would need to walk through it again) in your file, connect your workstation to the wireless network. You should be able to do this with the password you just cracked. Take a screenshot showing the connection to the network. The easiest way is to the use the nmtui tool.
  3. Now that you have access to the network, use the nmap tool to scan the network. You should be able to find the IP address of the router and the IP addresses of the associated clients. Document this in your file.
  4. For each associated client, use the nmap tool to scan the client. You should be able to find the open ports and services running on the client. Document this in your file.
  5. There is an RTSP stream active on the network. Find it, access it, and take a screenshot of what it’s looking at. What is it (brand and model name)? What is its capacity? When was it manufactured? Document this in your file.


Everything above should be documented in a markdown file in your repo called hw3/ Commit and push this to your repo. Once you have done this, you can consider the assignment submitted.