In this class, we have covered a wide range of topics. From low-level networking concepts up the stack to web and mobile security.
For your final exam, you will be picking a topic related to one of the covered topics and creating a short presentation on the topic.
Your presentation should be recorded. This should be a screen capture with voice-over. I would recommend making use of OBS. Slides or similar are required. In all cases, audio and video clarity count. Don’t show code that can’t be read in your final render. I do not expect professional rendering or production values – this is all about clarity and getting your information across.
You will be graded on your presentation itself, as well as the security content you are covering. The breakdown is as follows:
- Presentation [45 points total]
- Clarity of speech – this is not audio quality, but do you speak clearly? [10 points]
- Flow of content of presentation [10 points]
- Delivery of presentation [10 points]
- Visual clarity – can I read what you put on your slides? [7 points]
- Audio clarity – can I hear what words you are using? [8 points]
- Security content [55 points total]
- Correctness [20 points]
- Clarity – did you explain this concept in an understandable way? [15 points]
- Depth – did you cover the topic at more than a surface level? [20 points]
Topic guidelines are as follows:
- Pick something related to one of the topics we discussed
- Topics can be technical, but could also be more policy oriented
- XSS, SQL injections, and similar are not acceptable topics. SSRF and similar are acceptable.
- Deep dives into recent vulnerabilities are encouraged (BlueKeep, Spectre, SMBGhost, Ripple20, etc.)
- Classic vulnerabilities are also allowed and encouraged
- Hardware security is up for grabs, as well. Think hardware hacking.
- If in doubt, ask for help selecting a topic.
Pick a topic and let me know by Friday of Week 9. That will only give you a little time, so try to get it in sooner, but this way, you’ve at least seen MOST of the topics.
For CS591 students, topics will need to have more technical depth. If in doubt, talk to me.
Submission Details
Format guidelines
- Length: 20±2 minutes is the target.
- The topic must be related to one of the topics covered in class.
- By Friday of week 8, email me with your topic.
- File type: MP4
- Max Resolution: 1080p60 – that’s 1920x1080, progressive scan, 60 frames per second
- Preferred Resolution: 720p60
- Minimum Resolution: 720p30
- Should be playable on desktop or mobile devices
- Presentation must be created using one of Beamer (LaTeX), Prosper (LaTeX), PowerPoint, or Keynote.
- Submission should be via google drive link. I specifically want the files hosted in google drive, not anywhere else. Make sure it is viewable by me! If I can’t access the link, I will be unable to grade it!
Due Date
Due Friday of Finals Week!