Journal Articles


“Mechanical Stress Analysis of Microfluidic Environments Designed for Isolated Biological Cell Investigations” Sean S. Kohles, Nathalie Nève, Jeremiah Zimmerman, and Derek C. Tretheway, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (accepted May 2009).


“The mPIVOT: An integrated particle image velocimeter and optical tweezers instrument for microenvironment investigations” N. Nève, J.K. Lingwood, J. Zimmerman, S.S. Kohles, and D.C. Tretheway, Measurement Science and Technology 19, 095403 (2008).


An Inverse Model for Predicting Tissue Level Mechanics from Cellular Mechanical Input” W. Kim, D.C. Tretheway, and S.S. Kohles, J. of Biomechanics 42, 395-399 (2009).


“Simulation of Fluid Slip at Hydrophobic Microchannel Walls by the Lattice Boltzmann Method” Luoding Zhu, Derek Tretheway, Linda Petzold, and Carl Meinhart, J. Computational Physics 202, 181-195 (2005).


“A Generating Mechanism for Apparent Fluid Slip in Hydrophobic Microchannels” Derek C. Tretheway and Carl D. Meinhart, Physics of Fluids 16, 1509-1515 (2004).


“Apparent Fluid Slip at Hydrophobic Microchannel Walls” Derek C. Tretheway and Carl D. Meinhart, Physics of Fluids 14, L9-L12 (2002). 


“Deformation and Relaxation of Newtonian Drops in Planar Extensional Flows of a Boger Fluid” Derek C. Tretheway and L. Gary Leal, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 99, 81-108 (2001).


“Surfactant and Viscoelastic Effects on Drop Deformation in 2-D Extensional Flow” Derek C. Tretheway and L. Gary Leal, AIChE Journal 45, 929-937 (1999).


“Experimental Trajectories of Two Drops in Planar Extensional Flow” Derek C. Tretheway, Masahiro Muraoka, and L. Gary Leal, Physics of Fluids 11, 971-981 (1999).


“Modeling of Heat Transport and Wafer Heating Effects During Plasma Etching”  Derek Tretheway and Eray S. Aydil, J. of the Electrochemical Society 143, 3674-3680 (1996).


“Foam Flow Through a Transparent Rough-Walled Rock Fracture” A.R. Kovscek, D.C. Tretheway, P. Persoff, and C.J. Radke, J. of Petroleum Science & Engineering 13, 75-86 (1995).