A head and shoulders of PSU Viking Cadence Logo
Electrical and Computer Engineering / Cadence University Program
Portland State University.
Fall 2005

Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cadence North American University Software Program at Portland State University. This material and the references within are a first-line source of information about the Cadence design tools extensively used in classes and research programs in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Classes and research span custom transistor level digital and analog design, floorplanning, placement and route as well as statistical modeling of process corners, yield and manufacturability.

Information on a topic is displayed by selecting (ie point and click) the [open] at the left of the topic's section label. Close a topic by selecting the [close] displayed at the left.

[open] Courses using Cadence Software

[open] VLSI Laboratory and Cadence Setup

[open] NCSU CDK Tutorials

[open] PSU ECE Placement and Route Tutorials

[open] IC Design URLs

[open] FAQ


Information is provided "as is" without warranty or guarantee of any kind. No statement is made and no attempt has been made to examine the information, either with respect to operability, origin, authorship, or otherwise. Any attempt to use this information is at your own risk---we recommend using it on a copy of your data to be sure you understand what it does and under what conditions. Keep your master intact until you are personally satisfied with the use of this information within your environment.

Cadence is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 555 River Oaks Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134.

Rob Daasch, PSU ECE, daasch@ece.pdx.edu
Created: Aug 31, 2004