Discussion/Puzzle Questions for Week 5: Here are two cryptograms for you to solve. One is a simple substitution cypher, the other is a simple columnar transposition cypher (but I'm not saying which is which). The texts are both in English; in fact, each is a paragraph extracted from the textbook (with punctuation removed). Cypher 1: zenv snuu wmnu wpnf lvmn vlkm eben apny knvt jhru bpki kbrl vwvw fjur uykr tofj inbp wjus wvjl aben fnbb npul aben dfwr vbng brvb eruw vhlb enpz wjuw mllh tpjd bwvw fjub arvh uwdd plwt enua lpij dwuu rvme wphd plif nsuw vnvt pjdb rlvi wunh lvwe wphd plif nsru vlbu ntkp ncku bint wkun labe nhra artk fbjl aben dpli fnsg Cypher 2: tsah osnt ewat aelc naph egrx cttu htle scge nete rifi itoa riit koim eeyt iotr cfar wrre nass fvnt tbnn fpzr tmhf iils ines ftib oegh hrts iiia iper enla toqw erte rnoe eeox rnnn oule sdlp hrue raie maft nacx sags nteq itep tmec tnon estr ikox tntp iitu fhte hana hsnp dtei silx These cyphers are not too hard to decode, given a little time, a computer, and a friendly programming language. If you like puzzles, please give them a go. If you don't (try to) solve them, at least be prepared to describe some simple computer programs that would be useful to help a human solve them, or even to solve them almost automatically.