Chain of Responsibility

Origin: GoF 95
Reason: To issue a command to an object that may execute it or send it to another object for execution.
Synopsis: Different commands are executed by different objects in a chain. Objects early in the chain pass on commands they should not execute.
Example: Consider a security system. In a system with only a few sensors, an alarm is handled locally, e.g., ring a bell. In a large system, an alarm is reported to a remote control station.
CommandSender Calls postCommand of the first object in the chain. It is the client of the chain.
CommandHandler Superclass of all the ConcreteCommandHandlers in a chain of responsibility. Defines methods postCommand that manages the chaining of commands, and handleCommand that returns whether a command was completely executed. Has link to next CommandHandler in the chain.
ConcreteCommandHandleri These classes override handleCommand, but not postCommand.
See also: Composite (the chain is a composite object)
Command (may use it for representing commands)