My primary research interests are in the areas of Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Computational Social Sciences. Before moving to the gorgeous Pacific Northwest, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Data Mining lab at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University, Canada, where I also obtained my Ph.D. and MS. in Computer Science under the supervision of Prof. Aijun An.
My work contributes to two exciting labs:
PortNLP Research Lab Our NLP lab's current research focuses on efficient, diverse, and multilingual summarization and conversation modeling.
Compassionate Computing (CoCo) Lab A multidisciplinary lab (computer science + technology management + anthropology) studying computational technology through the lens of diverse communities.
[Jul 2023] Thrilled to be attending SciFoo Camp in just a few days ... !
[Jun 2023] Serving as a faculty mentor of Georgetown U's REU 2023.
[Jun 2023] Honored to receive the David E. Wedge Award 2023 for excellence in graduate advising and mentoring, thank you students!
[May 2023] Four papers accepted at ACL 2023 workshops (*SEM, WASSA, SustaiNLP, and WOAH)!
[May 2023] Panelist on an interdisciplinary ChatGPT discussion.
[May 2023] Our CoCo lab is organizing an interdisciplinary Ideathon on AI for Creative Storytelling. More details in these two PSU Vanguard articles.
[May 2023] Invited talk on "Generative AI research in the context of multilingualism" at Professional Engineers of Oregon's meeting.
[Apr 2023] Shared my perspectives on Generative AI and Communities in the TAG, We're It event: Voices on Craft, Chemistry, & Computing.
[Feb 2023] Delighted to receive NSF CRII grant for studying socially-diverse multi-document summarization.
[Jan 2023] Co-organizing SustaiNLP 2023 workshop co-located with ACL 2023.
[Aug 2022] Grateful to be part of the NSF award "SAI-P: Overcoming Barriers to User-Centered Infrastructure Planning with System Modeling and Natural Language Processing".
[Jul 2022] Co-organizing a special session on Human Centric Data Analysis at WI-IAT 2022.
[Jun 2022] Honored to receive the 2022 David E. Wedge Excellence in Faculty Diversity Award, thank you students!
older updates here.
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