CS 410SM - Unix System Management


Trent Fisher (trent@cs.pdx.edu)


6:00-7:50p.m. T, Th in PCAT 28

Office Hours

5:00-6:00 T and Th in the MSB lab. My office is PCAT 113f (although I will not be there often).

For further contact information, phone numbers, &c. see my home page at http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~trent/. If this confuses you, you may be in the wrong class.


CS202 and/or some experience with UNIX.


UNIX System Administration Handbook, 2e By Nemeth, Snyder and Seebass.
TCP/IP Network Administration By Craig Hunt is an optional text.

Additional readings will be required (most of which are available online).

Work required for this course:

What			%	Due date

Weekly quizes 20 Done in class (includes pre-test) Weekly homeworks 29 TBA Group Project 25 4-Aug Midterm 12 13-Jul Final 14 10-Aug, 6:00pm

Many classes will start with a quiz (about one a week). Be prepared for one every day by reading the material and doing the homework for the day.

I will generally grade on a `straight cliff' (i.e. A = 100 - 90, B = 89 - 80, &c.), although it may be adjusted. Also, participation in class discussions and effort shown plays a large part in your grade.

The mailing list cs410sm is a forum for class discussions; any questions on the subject matter should be posted there (thus, giving others a chance to answer the question). Note that participation on this forum counts as ``class participation''. (joining this mailing list is part of the first assignment)

For other questions or problems, contact me (q.v.)
