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How to Get GNU Software

All the software and publications from the Free Software Foundation are distributed with permission to copy and redistribute. The easiest way to get GNU software is to copy it from someone else who has it. You can get GNU software direct from the FSF by ordering diskettes, a tape, or a CD-ROM. Such orders provide most of the funds for the FSF staff, so please support our work by ordering if you can. See the "Free Software Foundation Order Form".

There are also third party groups who distribute our software; they do not work with us, but can provide our software in other forms. For your convenience some are listed in "Free Software for Microcomputers". Please note that the Free Software Foundation is not affiliated with them in any way and is responsible for neither the currency of their versions nor the swiftness of their responses.

If you decide to do business with one of these distributors, ask them how much they do to assist free software development, e.g. by contributing money to free software development projects or by writing free software themselves for general use. By basing your decision partially on this factor, you can help encourage those who profit from free software to contribute to its growth.

If you have Internet access and cannot access one of the hosts below, you can get the software via anonymous FTP from GNU's distribution host prep.ai.mit.edu (the IP address is For more information, get file `/pub/gnu/GETTING.GNU.SOFTWARE'. prep is a very busy host and only allows a limited number of FTP logins at any given time. Please use one of these other TCP/IP Internet sites that also provide GNU software via anonymous FTP (program: ftp, user: anonymous, password: your e-mail address, mode: binary).

Those on JANET can look under src.doc.ic.ac.uk in `/gnu'.

You can get some GNU programs via UUCP. Ohio State University posts their UUCP instructions regularly to newsgroup comp.sources.d on USENET. These people will send you UUCP instructions via electronic mail:

hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!ugn!nepa!denny, uunet!hutch!barber,
src@contrib.de (Europe), james@bigtex.cactus.org, acornrc!bob,
toku@dit.co.jp (Japan), staff@cis.ohio-state.edu

For those without Internet access, see the section "Free Software Support" for information on getting electronic mail and file transfer via UUCP.

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