cs510 FSC Staged Computation             Assignment # 4                Winter 2005
assigned Tuesday Jan. 25, 2005                   due in class Tuesday Feb. 1, 2005

1) Consider the ML datatypes representing patterns over list of integers:

datatype Pint = Iconst of int | Ivar of string;

datatype LP = Pnil | Pcons of Pint * LP | Lvar of string;

A) write a function match with type:   LP -> int list -> bool

B) Stage the function so that it has type: LP -> <int list -> bool>

for example:

match (Pcons (Iconst 4, Lvar "x")) [4,5,6]  ---> returns true
match (Pcons (Iconst 4, Lvar "x")) [6,5]    ---> returns false

match (Pcons (Ivar "x", Pcons (Ivar "y", Pnil))) [4,5] --> returns true
match (Pcons (Ivar "x", Pcons (Ivar "y", Pnil))) [5]   --> returns false

2) Rewrite the match function so that it has type:
    LP -> int list -> ((string*int)list * (string* int list) list) option

match (Pcons (Ivar "w", Lvar "x")) [4,5,6]  ---> SOME([("w",4)],[("x",[5,6])])
match (Pcons (Iconst 4, Lvar "x")) [6,5]    ---> NONE

match (Pcons (Ivar "x", Pcons (Ivar "y", Pnil))) [4,5] --> SOME([("x",4),("y",5)],[])

3) Now stage the function from 2) so that it has type:

LP -> <int list -> ((string*int)list * (string* int list) list) option>

Think about this carefully, it can be considerably harder than the program in 1) if you
aren't careful.