cs510 FSC Staged Computation          Assignment # 2                     Winter 2005
assigned Tuesday Jan. 11, 2005                    due in class Tuesday Jan. 18, 2005

fun add 0 y = y
  | add n y = 1 + (add (n-1) y);

fun mult 0 y = 0
  | mult n y = y + (mult (n-1) y);

fun member [] x = false
  | member (y::ys) x = if x=y then true else member ys x;

fun dotprod 0 x y = 1
  | dotprod n (x::xs) (y::ys) = (x * y) + (dotprod (n-1) xs ys)

fun nth 0 (x::xs) = x
  | nth n (x::xs) = nth (n-1) xs;

Consider the functions defined above. Whose types are listed below.

    add : int -> int -> int
    mult : int -> int -> int
    member : ['a=].'a  list -> 'a  -> bool
    dotprod : int -> int list -> int list -> int

For each function write a staged function with the type given. Be sure and test your
functions, and hand in the results of the tests as well as the function definitions.

1) add' : int -> <int> -> <int>

2) mult' : int -> <int -> int>

3) member' : 'a list -> <'a >-> <bool>

4) dotprod' : int -> int list -> <int list -> int>
   hint: use the function "nth"

5) The output of dotprod' should look something like this
   dotprod 4 [1,3,0,4] --->
      <fn x => (1*(nth 0 x))+(3*(nth 1 x))+(0*(nth 2 x))+(4*(nth 3 x))+0>

write a new dotprod' that applies the theorems:

       1*x = x
       0*x = 0
       x+0 = x

the answer should now look like:

<fn x => (nth 0 x)+(3*(nth 1 x))+(4*(nth 3 x))>