CS510 FSC Staged Computation   Winter 2005                   Assignment #1
Thurssday Jan 6. 2005                  Due in Class Thursday Jan. 13, 2005

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Reading assignment:

	1) Read the paper: "Using MetaML: a staged Programming language." From the
	Lecture notes of the Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming.
	September 1998. Braga, Portugal

Programming assignment:

1) Find or install a copy of MetaML or MetaOcaml

2) Declare a variable that contains code that when run would
add the integers from 0 to 10.

3) Write a function "three" that given an integer typed peice of
code constructs a integer list piece of code with three
elements each a copy of the argument.
   e.g.  three <2>  -->  <[2,2,2]>

4) The problem with "three" is that if its argument is a large
piece of code, the result is 3 times as large, Write a function
"threePrime" that avoids this by generating a piece of code which is a let
expression.   e.g.
 threePrime <4+5> --> <let val temp = 4+5 in [temp,temp,temp] end>

5) Write a function "pre" that given an integer piece of code and an
integer list piece of code, produces a new pieve of code which
will prepend the value if the integer piece of code to the front
of the integer list piece of code when the new piece of code is
run.  pre <3> <[]>  --> <3 :: []>
(Note, that list in MetaML are pretty printed. I.e. (3 :: 4 :: [])
pretty prints as [3,4] so metaML might not print exactly as the
example above illustrates.)

6) Write a function "count" which given a positive (non-zero)
integer "n" produces a pieceof code which is a list containing the
list of integers from 0 to "n".  e.g. count 4 --> <[0,1,2,3,4]>
(hint, the function lift might be usefull. e.g. lift 3 --> <3>.)

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