module SimpleGraphics where
import SOEGraphics

----- first the code from the lecture that talks about actions

data Bintree a  = Lf  a
                | (Bintree a) :/\: (Bintree a)

leftmost :: a -> Bintree a -> Bintree a
leftmost new (Lf x) = Lf new
leftmost new (x :/\: y) = (leftmost new x) :/\: y

replace :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bintree a -> Bintree a
replace new old (Lf x) =
  if x==old then Lf new else Lf x
replace new old (x :/\: y) =
     (replace new old x) :/\: (replace new old y)

replace' :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bintree a -> Bintree a
replace' new old w =
 let replace2 (Lf x) =
      if x==old then (Lf new,True) else (Lf x,False)
     replace2 (x :/\: y) =
       (case (replace2 x,replace2 y) of
         ((a,False),(b,False)) -> (x :/\: y, False)
         ((a,True),(b,False))  -> (a :/\: y,True)
         ((a,False),(b,True))  -> (x :/\: b,True)
         ((a,True),(b,True))   -> (a :/\: b,True))
 in fst(replace2 w)

ex2 :: IO ()
ex2 =
 do { c1 <- getChar
    ; c2 <- getChar -- the newline
    ; putChar c1
    ; putChar c2

getLine' :: IO [Char]
getLine' =
 do { c <- getChar                 -- get a char
    ; if c == '\n'                 -- if its newline
         then return ""        -- no-op action which
                               -- returns empty string
                                   -- recursively
         else do { l <- getLine'   -- get a line
                 ; return (c:l)    -- no-op action
                 }                 -- to cons c to l

-- the word count example
wc (cc,w,lc) [] = (cc,w,lc)
wc (cc,w,lc) (' ' : xs)  = wc (cc+1,w+1,lc) xs
wc (cc,w,lc) ('\t' : xs) = wc (cc+1,w+1,lc) xs
wc (cc,w,lc) ('\n' : xs) = wc (cc+1,w+1,lc+1) xs
wc (cc,w,lc) (x : xs)    = wc (cc+1,w,lc) xs

ex7 =
  do { name <- getLine
     ; z <- readFile name
     ; let (cc,w,lc) = wc (0,0,0) z
     ; putStr ("The file: "++ name ++
               " has \n  "++(show cc)++
               " characters\n  "++(show w)++
               " words\n  "++(show lc)++
               " lines\n")

----- Now the simple graphics code

main = putStr "hello world"

main0 =
    do { w <- openWindow "First window" (300,300)
       ; drawInWindow w (text (100,200) "hello world")
       ; k <- getKey w
       ; closeWindow w
       } )

spaceClose :: Window -> IO ()
spaceClose w =
    do { k <- getKey w
       ; if k == ' ' then closeWindow w
                     else spaceClose w

main1 =
    do { w <- openWindow "Second Program" (300,300)
       ; drawInWindow w (text (100,200) "hello Again")
       ; spaceClose w
       } )
