CSE536  Functional Programming                     Assignment # 7
Assigned: Nov. 15, 2004                Due, Monday, Nov. 29, 2004


1) Exercise 15.1 page 234 of the text. part 1.
   This exercise asks for you to extend the Paddle ball game
   by displaying the score. 1 point for every time the ball
   bounces off the paddle. To do this you will need to extend the
   Picture Datatype to handle Text objects. Look in the modules
   Picture.hs and Fal.hs to see how this is done. These modules
   can be found on the website.

2) Exercise 15.2, page 235 of the text. This problem asks you
   so simulate a bouncing ball, which slows its bouncing due
   to friction.

(Read chapter 18 to get started on these questions)

3) Consider the data defintions:

data Op = Plus | Minus | Times | Div
data Exp = Const Float | Var String | Oper Op Exp Exp

4) Use the monad-do notation to write the function:
eval :: Exp -> [(String , Float)] -> Maybe Float
Note that the possibility of failure comes from division by 0.

5) Use the do monad notation to write the function:
eval2 :: Exp -> (String -> [Float]) -> [Float]
If a variable has more than one binding (String -> [Float]) the
evaluation of an Exp has more than one result.