CSE536  Functional Programming                      Assignment # 66
Assigned: Nov. 08, 2004                   Due Monday, Nov. 15, 2004

1) A periodic function, f, with period, p, is a function which "repeats"
itself such that for all integers, n, greater than 0.
f x = f(p + x) = f((2*p) + x) = f((3*p) + x) = ... f((n*p) + x).

A periodic function can be constructed from any function, g, which is
totally defined on the interval [0 .. p) by "re-using" g in an appropriate
way for values greater than or equal to p. The notation [n .. m) means all x in
the range n <= x < m.

Define the function periodic, with type:

       periodic :: (Float -> Float) -> Float -> (Float -> Float)

such that (periodic g p) returns a periodic function with period, p,
which is defined for all values greater than or equal to 0.0, (assuming g
is defined on the interval [0..p]) and (periodic g p) x == g x for x >= 0
&& x < p.

Hint: You will find the function properFraction :: Float -> (Int,Float)
usefull. This function splits a Float into its whole number and fractional
parts. For example:    properFraction 3.456 --> (3, 0.456)

2) A piecewise function, constructs one function from several functions.
If a function, f, and its domain, the interval [low .. high), is
represented by the triple: (low,high,f). We can construct a piecewise
function from a list of such representations. In the questions that
follow, you may assume that low <= high.

   A) Given an ordered list (in increasing order of low) of such
   representations, write a Haskell function:
        contiguous ::  [(Float,Float,Float->Float)] -> Bool
   which tests if the union of all the domains covers a contiguous
   non-overlapping region from 0.0 to some upper bound, H.  (10 points)

   B) Assuming that such a list covers a contiguous domain, write the
   function piecewise :: [(Float,Float,Float->Float)] -> (Float ->
   Float), which given such a list returns a new function which is the
   piecewise union of all the functions in the list, on the domains
   given. For values greater than H, use the last function in the list.

3) Using the vocabulary of chapter 13 - A module of simple animations,
Construct an animation in which a small circle repeatedly follows the
edges of a square with corners at
  [(0.0,0.0), (0.0,2.0), (2.0,2.0), (2.0,0.0)]

   A) Draw a graph of the x-position of the circle as a function of time.
      Draw a graph of the y-position of the circle as a function of time.

   B) Write a Haskell function of type: (Behavior Picture) which
      animates the small circle following the edges of the square
      as defined above. It should make one complete circuit of the
      square every 8 seconds.

Hint: use the functions: periodic and piecewise from the earlier questions,
as well as the functions in lect13.hs from the webpage.