My appointment is at: ________ PM.
On Wednesday / Thursday / Monday.
October ______ 2007.

My office is in the Computer Science Building, in the Fourth Ave Building, FAB 120-04. The FAB is on the corner of Fourth Ave and Harrison, 200 feet from the Trolley-line stop on Harrison. FAB is connected to the City Offices Tower. There are two entrances to FAB. One that enters the FAB building directly on Harrison, and the second one that enters the City Offices Tower on Fourth Ave, and then leads (through that building) into the FAB building.

If you enter on Harrison, walk straight ahead down the corridor. Take the elevators up to the 1st floor. Immediately to the right as you exit the elevators is the Computer Science Department.

If you enter the City Office Tower from Fourth Ave., walk to the left (past a set of elevators) down a long hallway that connects the City Office Tower to the Fourth Ave Building. At the end of the hallway you come to the elevator foyer and the Computer Science Department is on your right.

From the elevator lobby, Walk through 2 sets of glass doors into Suite 120. My office is 120-04 (on the left) just past the reception desk. The receptionist will be happy to show you to my office.