Map Your E-Portfolio
The purpose of this activity is to plan what your e-portfolio is
to look like. You are not to actually build the portfolio. You
are to create several documents that describe your portfolio.
You are to hand these documents in at the end of mentor section, or first thing
on Wednesday if you don't finish in mentor session. Keep a copy for yourself.
You are to create several pages. Here is a description of what to
turn in. (50 points total)
- What pages are in your E-portfilio
- Draw a diagram of how you will navigate your portfolio.
This document will have a "box" for each page and arrows for links. (20 points)
- Label links so I can tell the relationship between pages and how
you navigate from one page to another.
- Indicate which links are sub-page links, back-links, and sibling links.
- For each page in your e-portfolio, create a page for this
assignment. Write down
- Name of the page (2 points)
- Purpose of the page (3 points)
- What assignments you will link to from that page (5 poinst)
- Where are the "original instructions" for that assignment?
Write down the absolute link from the Dally record you will use. (5 points)
Here are links for the daily-records for each quarter, to help you find these links.
- What graphics would you like to use for that page (5 points)
- Hand in a page a page that describes the Look and Feel. (10 points)
- Is there a consistent look and feel?
- What colors, backgrounds will you use.
- Will you use navigation bars?
- Hand in a page that describes your reflective essay? Will you put links
in the essay to items you talk about?
Back to the Daily Record.
Back to the class web-page.