E-Portfolio Highlights

When I entered the course in the fall term, I thought that the class was just about reading and writing. I thought it would (be) difficult for me to succeed in this class since English is not my first language. Later on, I found the class interesting because we did not only learn about reading and writing, but we learned about how to create, discover, and analyze things that are used in our daily life.

Reading and understanding were difficult task to do, especially when we I was asked to read some novels which have many vocabulary words that even native speakers have difficulties in knowing what they mean. On the other hand, writing essays and research papers were even worse; because I had to follow a certain format in writing the research as well as the (requirement that) grammar should be almost perfect. I believe that cultural difference is the major issue behind these difficulties that I am facing right now as well as learning English as a second language. Because writing techniques can be similar between some cultures, but most times there are huge differences which make it so hard for non-native speakers to write and follow these formats. Therefore, learning these writing techniques and reading skills were essential. And step by step I found that I have improved my skills throughout the course period.


Freshmen years are often the hardest, and in many ways that makes sense. It is a lot to ask of someone to move out of their house, to go to a school that is much more serious and difficult than anything that they have encountered before and to also learn how to cope with life on their own. I have had many of these issues myself, time management, focus, taking appropriate care of myself, all of these things are very difficult tasks to learn. I feel that I have done okay, and in some ways I am glad that things did not go perfectly smoothly for me, as otherwise issues that cropped up now would crop up later when there is much less margin of error.


The mock trial turned out to be a success. I was very happy with the outcome of our trial. I think having opportunities to speak in class, are a great tool for learning. Just having open discussions are fine, yet it is sometimes hard to voice an opinion if I were unsure of the topic. Having time to prepare and organize my facts allowed me not to be fearful of speaking in public. From the experience of the mock trials, I allowed myself to speak up more and not be so unsure of what I had to say.

In other classes I have a more difficult time sharing my opinions because people tend to be very judgmental of what other people say. The class I was fortunate enough to be in did wonders for me. When I had a question about an assignment or a question during a lecture I was never afraid to voice my thoughts or concerns because no one would judge me If I had a question.

Overall I found this class very informative on issues I otherwise knew nothing about. I came into the class unsure of what to expect or what material would be covered, yet walked away with a knowledge I might have missed out had I not signed up for the class.


(Getting to know) the background of each of my classmates made me know more about each person and how they were somewhat similar to my friends back home; it was like I never left California.


A man stood in front of the class and introduced himself as Tim Sheard. After two hours of ice breakers, learning about ODIN accounts, and class pictures, my first college assignment was assigned. Day one and we already had homework. Seriously, who assigns a paper on the first day?


I learned that to understand literature you have not only know the information but connect with it. I was taught how to relate to work, and have thoughts about the information presented to me. Instead of reading to be informed, I began to read to have my own insights and opinions about the writing, this also helped me think about how I share things with the literature.


The debate pushed me to think quickly on my feet, and encouraged me to communicate more fluently with my teammates. As I was sharing information and thoughts with my teammates, they brought up many points that I never (even) thought about.


This class was very frustrating for me as a student that has been in the work force for several years and is unaccustomed to authority type figures attempting to control every aspect of my learning process. I have developed a learning style that enables me to assimilate information effectively with a high recall rate. That noted, I have examined my experience over the last three terms and discovered, much to my surprise, that I did get something out of this experience besides frustration and unmarketable skills.

This class demanded communication in pretty much every way that you can communicate.


When I was in second grade, the principal of my school used to always tell me how proud of me he was. I always read to the other students, and was a great student and athlete. Several years have passed since then, and I know a lot more about myself as a learner than I did before. Leaving high school as an A student, entering college has been quite an adventure. I have been caught plagiarizing, vandalizing, missed classes, missed tests and assignments, stayed out with friends on school nights, and sleep through finals. One of the most important goals I have learned throughout my college career so far is to be diligent.

All and all, Design and Society has changed my life for the better. I have learned many things (such as not procrastinating or taking 19 credit hours EVER), and made me a better learning. I never knew I would say something as funny as this, but I learned to be a good learner. From writing for so many different kinds of audiences, I now have the ability to write outside myself, which I did not do so well before. In addition, my understanding of the topic of which I am writing has improved, so such a large and vicious looking subject no longer frightens me. And best of all, now I have a webpage. Design and Society taught me to exceed.


This was the first project in my entire life that I had the opportunity to take the main role as the leader. I never realized how many problems a group can have, people being irresponsible, people coming late, people not wanting to do the assignments, and even organizing the timing to do the work as a group. In my group we had all of these problems, but at the end we were (still) able to accomplish our goal and finished the bridge.

The people in class were very respectful. People would speak and nobody would judge them or make fun of what they were saying. In this class everybody could say whatever they wanted to say, and it was respected by the teacher and by the rest of the students. I have had many classes where students don't talk becuase they now that everyone is going to judge them.

To be honest I came into this class thinking that I was going to hated it. It was the class that was picked for me. I realize now, at the end of the year, that out of all my classes this is the class that I have most enjoyed and learned the most. I loved every aspect of this class and I believe that it has been a great experience and well rounded educational experience.


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