Ethical Reasoning
- What have we studied this year?
make a list of things we've studied that have ethical issues
- Break into groups
- Andy, Malik, Xavier
- Casey, Sunny, Talena
- Mapa, Eli,Anton
- Graciela, Megan, Lewis, Taylor
- Kirubel, Hong, Kinsey
- Vyvie, Sandra, Sean
- Stephy, James, Thui
- Choose two of the listed items
For each item Create a stakeholder analysis
- identify stakeholders
- describe their interests
- identify coalitions
- Do this on a big piece of paper
Report back to the main group. Do not pick a spokesperson,
I will call on anyone in the group when it is time to report.
- As a class Find Common themes
- As a class Identify ethical frameworks
- Back in small grups
For each stakeholder, identify the ethical framework they might use
- Report back to the large group.
- Each small group choose 1 pair of stakeholders
who are not natural allies, and who use different
ethical frameworks.
- Large group
How do we arbitrate a resolution
of the differences between the two groups. How do we
choose strategies that appeal to each groups ethical framework
- In Mentor session, create a
4/5 slide powerpoint that summarizes
one of your ethical cases.
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