Review of Pointers in Haskell

In this document we review the important ideas behind

  1. Pointers in Haskell
  2. Using pointers to build linked structures with mutable links.

Pointers in Haskell

We can envision a pointer as an arrow pointing to a blue box. The blue box represents the contents of the memory location. The data inside the blue box can be observed or altered.

To observe the contents

use the readPtr command


To change the contents

of the blue box, use the writePtr command.


We can embed pointers in algebraic data structures, thus creating mutable structures. For example a mutable list, where both the elements in the list and the links in the list are mutable can be defined as follows:

data MutList a = Nil | Cons (Ptr a) (Ptr (MutList a))
One might picture a mutable list as follows.


One can create Queue structure by combining a mutable list and a pair of pointers, one to the front, and one to the rear of the Queue.


To enqueue an element requires changing a few pointers


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