Hashing and Radix Sort worksheet

In this worksheet you will analyze Hashing and Radix Sort.

  • Given a hashtable with N buckets and K keys what is the expected average time to access an element. Do the computation two ways
    1. When N is much greater than K
    2. When K is much greater than N
  • Given a hashtable with N buckets and K keys what is cost in terms of space: The space required to construct the data structure when it is full with K elements.
  • What happens when a hash function maps multiple keys to the same location in the hash table. Name two ways to resolve this. Give specific data structures you might use.
  • Please show each pass of the radix sort for the following array of numbers: 234 876 875 458 098 348 589 345.
  • What is its running cost in time as a proportion to the input size.
  • What special properties must hold to use a radix sort

    What to turn in.

    Get a copy of this worksheet (by right-clicking and the downloading) and fill in the missing blanks for each of the questions.
  • Your name (as the author of the program) on the very first line
  • The whole think uploaded to blackboard
  • Due before class on Thursday, November 12, 2009.
  • You may cut and paste out the part of this document not related to your answers (such as the instructions of what to turn in).

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