Using Resources Exercise

In this exercise I will ask you to write several Haskell program fragments that utilize little known features of Haskell. It is your job to find documentation for these features and correctly write the Haskell program fragment requested. Below are several on-line resources you might find useful.

To finish this exercise do the following

  1. Cut and paste the program text below into your editor and save it as a Haskell file.
  2. For each of the five questions, use the resources above to discover how to solve the problem.
  3. Edit the file so that uses the feature described in the comment
  4. Load the file into GHCI and test your results.

module UsingResources where

-- (1) Find out how to use multiline string constants
-- so one doesn't need to use the append (++)
-- operator in the code fragment below.

address = "Tom Smith\n" ++
          "100 Main Street\n" ++
          "Everytown, OR 4275355"

-- (2) Use "as-patterns" to rewrite the insert function
-- below so the pattern guard, guarded by (n==m), doesn't
-- have to reconstruct the input (Fork l m r) to insert.

data Tree = Leaf | Fork Tree Int Tree

insert :: Int -> Tree -> Tree
insert n Leaf = Fork Leaf n Leaf
insert n (Fork l m r)
   | n < m = Fork (insert n l) m r
   | n > m = Fork l m (insert n r)
   | n==m  = Fork l m r

-- (3) Add an infix declaration to the program so that sumMod3
-- can be used as an infix operator with left associativity
-- and the same precedence as (+). Thus
-- x `sumMod3` y * 3 + 4
--      would parse as
-- (sumMod3 x (y*3)) + 4

sumMod3 x y = mod (x++y) 3

-- (4) The stripPrefix function belongs to one of the standard
-- libraries. Find it, put an import declaration in your
-- file to import it. What is its type? Use it in an example.

-- example = .... stripPrefix

-- (5) Rewrite the function myEven using n+k patterns

myEven 0 = True
myEven 1 = False
myEven n = myEven (n-2)

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