Functional Languages Home work 4
In this homework I am asking you to do something creative with either
the bitmapped graphics (PPM6.hs) or the music (Haskore) packages.
You will need to download and install the correct libraries
By "creative", I expect you to create some aesthetic artifact, either music
or graphics picture. I will grade it using the following rubric
- Is the source a well structured functional program?
- Is the result aesthetically pleasing?
- Does the program exercise the full spectrum of possibilities
explained in the lectures (uses many of the operators rather than just 1 or 2).
- Has the author added some thing new?
- For example, in music you might use the NoteAtrributes to control
loudness, or define operators to fade in and out, or
operators to dynamically shift from one key to another.
- In graphics, one might define BitMaps for other shapes or transformations.
- Is the code well documented
- If the student is called upon in class, can the student explain
how his program works?
You can turn in your homework on D2L, by Monday, October 26. You should include
two attachments:
- The haskell source file of the program you wrote.
- Include your name at the top of the file as a comment. -- Name of programmer:
- Include an email where you want comments sent. -- Email to send comments to:
- One or more files you created that illustrates your result. These
will be .ppm files (for graphics) or .mid files (for music).
On Monday, October 26, 2015, we will look at (or listen to!) some of the results
Good Luck!, I am looking forward to the results!
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