Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Scott A. Wells

Dr. Wells teaches graduate courses in surface water quality modeling, numerical methods, and environmental fluid mechanics at Portland State University. In addition he teaches a yearly workshop on CE-QUAL-W2.

Welcome to my home page! I am a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Portland State University. My area of expertise is in the modeling of surface water bodies, such as reservoirs, lakes and riverine systems for both hydrodynamics and water quality. I also have a research interest in filtration and liquid-particle dynamics. My research group and I are actively involved in projects throughout the United States and abroad sponsored by federal, state and local government agencies, as well as by private firms. Please contact me if I can  provide further information.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Portland State University

P. O. Box 751

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751


Physical location or UPS deliveries:

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Portland State University

1930 S.W. 4th Avenue Suite 200 Portland, OR 97201





Contact information:

Phone: 503-725-4276

Fax: 503-725-5259


The Dead Sea