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@everyheading @thischapter @|@| Test Plan @thispage @everyfooting Author: rootd // Editor: ensley // Texinfo: rootd @| @| 3 December 1994
The following chapters constitute the test plan for the archie project. Testing is critically important to the archie project because our competing product (the Bunyip archie server) has a history of several years of reliable deployment. If our server is installed as a replacement for the Bunyip server at a "well-known" archie site, and then suffers repeated failure, our server may never get a second chance for acceptance.
The tests of the archie system will be conducted in the following phases:
Each of the modules has its own chapter later in this manual with a detailed description of its test plan. The integration tests have not yet been fully determined--for now we just have a brief description in this section. The module interface compatibility checklist also does not have its own chapter in this revision.
Not precisely a test, the module interface compatibility checklist is a series of questions about each module interface. This checklist is simply to affirm that the modules interface in the way they were designed. Module interface compatibility testing is based on page 639 of Roger Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (3rd ed).
The interface compatibility checklist and module test will be performed by the coder responsible for each module, and then will be double-checked by someone not working on that module.
The partial and full integration testing will be performed separately by the designer and producer.
The existence of a alpha-test servers will be announced to the local community so local users can perform archie searches on the local server. Memebers of the team (except the director and producer) will also request archie searches to increase the usage on our server. Meanwhile, the director and producer will test to determine if searches that occur during database updates cause erroneous search results.
The beta testing will be performed by some other organization with as little assistance as possible (the point is to see if our server can be installed and operated only by using our documentation).
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