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If you have a specific problem with UNIX and you wish to see a
tutor, be sure you have the following before you see him or her:
A detailed description of your problem.
Thoughts about what he/she is likely to ask you, such as:
What are you trying to do, specifically?
What is the exact statement or command you are using?
What are you expecting to happen?
What is happening?
Has this ever worked? If so, what has changed since then?
Can you reproduce the failure at will? If not, under what
conditions or with what frequency can you reproduce it?
The names of any files that are involved (e.g. programs, data, etc).
Current listings (printouts), if you have them.
If you have listings, be sure they are current.
You can get listings of a terminal session, which includes the
commands you typed and the error messages UNIX produced, by
using the
Any related class materials, documentation, software
descriptions, etc.
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