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Setting terminal characteristics

You can set terminal characteristics using the stty command. The stty command is complicated, with many options, but once you get it to set the terminal characteristics you like, you can put it in your `.login' file and you'll never see it again. You can see all of your settings by saying: stty everything or on System V machines stty -a.

For example, many UNIX systems use the backspace key to erase characters. If you're used to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) systems, you're probably accustomed to using the delete key for this purpose. The stty command has an option called dec, shown below, that causes the delete key to erase characters.

stty dec

Including this command in your `.login' file makes your terminal act like it's on a DEC system every time you log in. To learn about other stty command options, refer to the man pages described in section Man Command, or the publications listed in section Books.

If you are using an X window system and you change the size of the window, the window will need to be resized. You can do this by saying: set noglob; eval `resize`

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