Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc.s' Software License Agreement License of Software Product This Software Product is protected under the Copyright Law including Computer Program Protection Law, International Treaty of Copyright and other Intellectual Property Laws and other Conventions. The Software Product of Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. means Computer Software, Archival Media, Printings and On-line Documents or Digital Documents, including but not limited to any or all execution files, additional function, manual, help and other files attended with such Software Product of Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. and its accompanying documents. "USE" means the actions that you store the Software Product in a main memory, temporary memory, RAM, CD-ROM or other storage, and install, execute or display it on the monitor. Article 1. License Grant of License: You may install the Software Product to your computer and use it. A computer of a corporate is not your computer, so you may not install thereto, nor use the Software Product. In case of an organization such as any corporation that is not an individual, it should separately purchase this Software as many as it uses currently computers. Any duplication or re-distribution of the Software Product breaching this Agreement shall be prohibited from the applicable laws, and it may inflict severe criminal or civil punishment. Copies: The main user of the computer installing this Software Product may make one copy for the proper computer for the purpose of using it in his own personal computer or portable computer. License Pack: If the License acquired by You is included in the License Pack of Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc., you may make copies of Software Product as many as additionally printed in the License Certificate of the reverse side and use each copy as provided in the above. However, you may not make a copy of the License Pack purchased for any organization such as a corporation not for individual, for the purpose of using it at home. Article 2. Transfer of License If User uses this Software through upgrading the prior version, the License of prior version is transferred to the update version. Provided however that you may use the prior version on the condition that you will not use the prior version with the update one at the same time. Therefore, the transfer, rent and sale of the prior version is prohibited, and if there is any program or its accompanied file excluded from the update version in the prior version, the license of such excluded software and accompanied file is retained. Article 3. Ownership Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. shall retain all patents, copyrights and intellectual property rights concerning this Software Product. This Software Product is to be permitted to use it, not to be sold. Therefore, any right or ownership concerning the Software Product shall not be transferred to you, nor the License pursuant to this Agreement shall be construed as the sale of the right regarding this Software Product. However, in case of your complying with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, you may additionally make one copy of this Software Product for the back-up or archival purposes only. Except for this case, you may not make any additional copies of the Software Product. You may not make copy of any printings accompanying this Software Product. All other rights not specially authorized in accordance with this Agreement belong to Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. Article 4. Other Rights and Restrictions Restriction of Use, Copy or Modification: You may not reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble this software product beyond the range permitted by the applicable laws or regulations. Except for the cases expressly authorized under this Agreement, you may not use, copy, translate, re-distribute, re-transmit, publish, sell, rent, lease, re-sell, pledge, mortgage, transfer, modify, revise or extend all or part of this Software Product. In addition, you may not transform the software, either you may not reverse or transform any accompanying printings without prior written consent of Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. Also you may not make a secondary work by using this software product. You shall not remove proprietary notices, marks or label from this software product. Software Transfer: You may assign all of your rights under this License Agreement. Provided that you shall not possess any copies. You shall transfer this Agreement, the product number of the proper client and all of software product (including but not limited to software, archival media, and printings and upgrade version) and the transferee shall agree with all the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. In addition, in case that the software product is an upgrade version, you shall transfer all of prior version of the software. Termination: This Agreement is in effect until the effective period. However, you may any time terminate this agreement by abolishing this software product and all of the copies that you have made. If you make any copy or duplication of this software product without any permission, this Agreement is automatically terminated. If you do not comply with this Agreement, Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. may terminate this Agreement without any infringement to your other rights. In this case, you shall destroy this software product and all the copies that you made. Support Service: In order to obtain any service support regarding this software and to receive any benefits concerning the revised version, you shall necessarily make a client registration. You may make a client registration through contacting Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc.'s homepage (www.ahnlab.com) or you shall fill out the enclosed client registration card in the purchased product and send it. In case of Client Registration, Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. shall do the best effort of providing the solutions to the technical questions concerning any problems arising from using this Software and of notifying the results of inconvenient notification of the users. Client supporting period is for one (1) year from the date of client registration, and in case of the periodical upgrade of the software acquired within the client supporting period, it shall be free of charge. Article 5. Warranty Limit Concerning Software Product Warranty Period: Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. warrants that there are no physical defects in CD-ROM and all belongings for 90 days from the date of purchasing the product. During the warranty period, the defective product in manufacturing shall be exchanged. The object of exchange shall be proved that it is the product within 90 days from the date of purchasing it. The product that has damages resulting from the user's negligence, mistake or negligent usage shall not be exchanged. Limited Warranty: Any or all risks concerning this software product use shall be borne by YOU. Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. and its suppliers exclude any warrant (including but not limited to the marketability, appropriateness for the specific purpose, and the implied warrant to the proprietary right and the non-breaching), whether express or implied, within the maximum ranges permitted by the applicable laws. Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. does not warrant that the functions included in this software product will meet with your requests or that in using this software product there is no temporary corruption or error. Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. shall not be responsible for any problems arising from the changes of computer hardware manufactured after this software product's delivery and of operative specification of computer operation system. In addition, it is not responsible for damages resulting from newly found virus after the delivery of this software product. Exclusive Remedies: All responsibilities borne by Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. and exclusive remedies obtained by you shall be limited to, at Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc.'s discretion, (1) the replacement of defective media, (2) repair or replacement of the software product that does not meet the limited warranty of Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc., or (3) termination of this Agreement and the refund of purchasing amount (in case that you paid for the product). When you return the software and its receipt to Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. within the warrant period, these remedies shall be made, and the software purchased through digital media in the ways of "software distribution by Digital Media" shall receive the remedies by sending the acquired certificate to Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. within the warrant period. Absence of Other Warrants: Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. shall not be responsible for the promises that the third party, including Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc.'s product suppliers and franchises, made to users by oral, documents and other notices. Exemption Clause of Compensation: Whether or not the remedies provided in this Article achieved the sole purpose, Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. or its suppliers (or each agent, director, employee or representative) shall not be responsible for any or all damages (including consequential, incidental, indirect, special, economic, disciplinary or other similar losses or loss of profit in business, loss of operation right, interruption of business, function paralysis or mis-manipulation of the computer, loss of business information or other diverse commercial or monetary damages or losses) resulting from use/impossibility of use of all software product, provision of supporting service or its failure within the maximum range permitted by the applicable laws. Regarding the aforementioned, the above damages do not care of its resources based on responsibility theory (whether in contract, tort or otherwise). And Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. shall not be responsible for the above damages whether or not it has been notified or advised of the possibility of such damages, nor any demand of compensation suggested by the third party. You agree on the fact that these risks are reflected in the license fee. All responsibilities of Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. under this Agreement shall in no event exceed the actual amount paid by you for acquiring the software product, even if any warrant or conditions as not provided in this Agreement are included in any laws and regulations. In case of supporting service, such service is repeated or its expense is refunded. Article 6. Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the complete Agreement between YOU and Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. with respect to the main items of the Agreement, and replaces all the oral and written agreements, understandings and representation, advertisement and notices concerning the principal items of this Agreement which the parties hereto had made before the execution of this Agreement. If you have any questions regarding this Agreement, contact Dr. Ahn's Anti-Virus Laboratories, Inc. by fax, e-mail, ordinary mail, etc.