Population Size [20 - 2000] Mutationn Probability [0.01 - 0.3] Crossover Probability [0.2 - 0.9] Alpha [0 -1] Beta [0-1] Alpha1 [0-1] Beta1 [0-1] Divider [~6] -------------- Type of GA [0,1] Type of mutation [0,1] Type pf crossover [0,1] Type of replication [0,1] Type of fitness [0,1,2,3] Type of grouped [0,1] Type of pareto [0,1] Type of threshold [0-1] -------------- Number of gates in the file Number of wires Cost Gate Matrix Number of wires Cost Gate Matrix Number of wires Cost Gate Matrix Number of wires Cost Gate Matrix ----------------- Resulting Circuit Number of wires Cost Circuit Matrix