From            HONGFEI WU


This is updated homework #2 for Fibonacci.
Some change was done on previous one. 
Now it workes well and comes out with simulation result.
Here is some description for this program.

Fibo_Dpath is the DATAPATH for the design.  
The inputs are A, B and CLK.  
A and B is the initial value for this Fibonacci machine with value 0 and 1 respectly. 
The output thismachine is "Fibo_out" which generates values 1,2,3,5,8,13....... 

There are several connect signal between DATAPATH and the CONTROL UNIT.  
They are pre_P0, pre_C0, pre_C1 and pre_C2 which can be checked during simulation. 
The pre_P0 is the signal which is generated by the comparator. 
When A < maximum_length (11111111), CU
generates pre_C1 for ADDER to add the value A and B, and assign to Fibo_out. 
Then CU generates pre_C2 for shifting B to A, finally generates
pre_C0 for shifting Fibo_out to B. When A = maximum_length, pre_P0=0, machine stops.


library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

--Fibo_Dpath Entity Description

entity Fibo_Dpath is
	port( A,B: buffer qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
			CLK: in qsim_state;
         Fibo_out: inout qsim_state_vector(0 to 7):="00000000");
end Fibo_Dpath;

--Fibo_Dpath Architecture Description

architecture Fibo of Fibo_Dpath is

	component Fibonacci_Controller
		port(P0,CLK: in qsim_state;
				C0,C1,C2: out qsim_state);
	end component;
	component register_fibo
		port(DIN_OUT: buffer qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
				DIN: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
				CC: in qsim_state);
	end component;

	component Fibo_adder
		port(A,B: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
				CLK, Ctl: in qsim_state;
            AD_OUT: inout qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
				carry: out qsim_state);
	end component;

	component comparator
		port(A,B: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
			  GT: out qsim_state);
	end component;

	signal pre_C0,pre_C1,pre_C2: qsim_state:='0';
   signal pre_P0, pre_carry: qsim_state:='0';
	signal maximum_length: qsim_state_vector(0 to 7):="11111111";  

	U0: comparator port map (A, maximum_length, pre_P0);
	U1: Fibonacci_Controller port map (pre_P0,CLK,pre_C0,pre_C1,pre_C2);
	U2: register_fibo port map (A,B,pre_C2);
	U3: register_fibo port map (B,Fibo_out,pre_C0);
	U4: Fibo_adder port map (A,B, CLK,pre_C1,Fibo_out, pre_carry);

end Fibo;

library  mgc_portable,WORK;
Use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

--  Fibonacci_Controller Entity Description
entity Fibonacci_Controller is
   port(P0,CLK: in qsim_state;
        C0,C1,C2: out qsim_state);
end Fibonacci_Controller;

-- Fibonacci_Controller Architecture Description
-- The Controller realize the following relations:
-- 	Q1'=Q2*P0+Q1*P0BAR
--		Q2'=Q1BAR*Q2BAR*P0+Q1BAR*Q2*P0
--		C0=Q1*Q2BAR*P0
--		C1=Q1BAR*Q2BAR*P0
--    C2=Q1BAR*Q2*P0

architecture controller of Fibonacci_Controller is
	signal DD1,DD2,pre_C0 : qsim_state:='0';
	signal pre_C1 : qsim_state:='0';
	signal pre_C2 : qsim_state:='0';
   signal QQ1,QQ2: qsim_state:='0';
	signal QQ1BAR,QQ2BAR: qsim_state:='1';

	component Flip_Flop
			D,CLK: in qsim_state;
      	Q,QBAR: out qsim_state
		end component;


   Fibonacci_Controller_Process: process(P0, QQ1, QQ2)


	DD1<=((QQ2 and P0) or (QQ1 and (not P0)));  
   DD2<=(((not QQ1) and (not QQ2)and P0) or ((not QQ1) and QQ2 and P0));
	pre_C0<=(QQ1 and (not QQ2) and P0);
	pre_C1<=((not QQ1) and (not QQ2) and P0);
	pre_C2<=((not QQ1) and QQ2 and P0);

 end process Fibonacci_Controller_process;

	U1: Flip_Flop port map(DD1,CLK,QQ1,QQ1BAR);
	U2: Flip_Flop port map(DD2,CLK,QQ2,QQ2BAR);

   -- Assign outputs
   C0 <= pre_C0;
   C1 <= pre_C1;
	C2 <= pre_C2;
end controller;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
--compar value A and maximum_lengeh, when A <  maximum_lengeh,machine star. 
--when A= maximum_lengeh, machine stop.
-- Fibo_comp Entity Description
entity Fibo_comp is
      A,B: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
      GT: out qsim_state
end Fibo_comp;

-- Fibo_comp Architecture Description
architecture BEHAVIOR of Fibo_comp is
	COMPARATOR_process: process(A,B)
   	-- A < B
   	GT <= (A < B);
	end process COMPARATOR_process;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- Flip_Flop Entity Description
entity Flip_Flop is
      D,CLK: in qsim_state;
      Q,QBAR: out qsim_state
end Flip_Flop;

-- Flip_Flop Architecture Description
architecture rtl of Flip_Flop is
   signal pre_Q : qsim_state:='0';
   FLIP_FLOP_Process: process(CLK)
      if (CLK'event and (CLK = '1') and (CLK'last_value = '0')) then
         pre_Q <= D;
      end if;
   end process FLIP_FLOP_Process;
   -- Assign outputs
   Q <= pre_Q;
   QBAR <= (not pre_Q);
end rtl;

library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
--ADDER addes value A and B
entity Fibo_adder is
	port(A,B: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
		  CLK,Ctl: in qsim_state;
		  AD_OUT: inout qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
        carry: out qsim_state);
end Fibo_adder;

architecture BEHAVIOR of Fibo_adder is
 	signal add_out: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);

	ADD_PROCESS: process(Ctl)
		variable C: qsim_state:='0';
		variable AA,BB,SS: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
	if (Ctl ='1')then
		for i in 0 to 7 loop
			SS(i):=(AA(i) xor BB(i)) xor C;
      	C:=((AA(i) and BB(i)) or (AA(i) and C) or (BB(i) and C));
		end loop;

		add_out <= SS;

	end if;
	end process ADD_PROCESS;

	KEEP_AD_BLK: BLOCK((CLK = '0') and (Ctl = '1'))
		AD_OUT <= guarded AD_OUT when Ctl = '0' else add_out;


library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

-- register_fibo Entity Description
entity register_fibo is
      DIN_OUT: buffer qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
      DIN: in qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
		CC: in qsim_state
end register_fibo;

-- regiter_fibo Architecture Description
architecture BEHAVIOR of register_fibo is


      DIN_OUT <= guarded DIN_OUT when CC='0' else DIN;




-- The result wavefore will be send to you in file named result; 

-- Following is the VHDL code for Fibonacci function
-- It contains 3 parts : the datapath, the controller, the delay component;
--This is whole processor of Fibonaci

library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

--This is entity description
entity assem3 is 
  port( clock: in qsim_state;
         zz:   out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7));
  end assem3;

-- architecture description

architecture behavior of assem3 is 
 signal cca,ccb,ccc,ccd: qsim_state;
 signal pp1:  qsim_state;
 signal clk:  qsim_state;
 component fibo_contl2
    port( clock: in qsim_state;
           p1: in qsim_state;
          ca, cb,cc, cd: out qsim_state);
   end component;
 component dpath2
    port (ca,cb,cc, cd: in qsim_state;
          clock:    in qsim_state;
          carry:    out qsim_state;
          zz:     out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7));
   end component;
  component delay
     port( clock: in qsim_state;
           clko: out qsim_state);
    end component;
  U1: delay
    port map (clock,clk);
  U2: fibo_contl2
    port map(clk,pp1,cca,ccb,ccc,ccd);
  U3: dpath2
    port map(cca,ccb,ccc,ccd,clock,pp1,zz);

 end behavior;

--This is datapath of fibonacci process

library mgc_portable,WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

--entity description

entity dpath2 is 
  port ( ca,cb,cc,cd: in qsim_state;
         clock      : in qsim_state;
         carry:      out qsim_state;
         zz       :  out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7));
    end dpath2;

--architecture description of datapath

architecture behavior of dpath2 is
   signal car : qsim_state;
   signal X: qsim_state_vector(0 to 7):="00000001";
   signal Y: qsim_state_vector(0 to 7):="00000000";
   signal xx,yy, ss: qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
   component add8
    port( aa,bb: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
          clock: in  qsim_state;
          conl:  in  qsim_state;
          sum:  out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
         carry: out qsim_state );
    end component;
   component regst 
    port( clock: in qsim_state;
          conl1,conl2:  in qsim_state;
          xx1,xx2:    in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
          yy:   out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7));
    end component;
          port map(clock,ca,cd,X,ss,xx);
          port map(clock,ca,cc,Y,xx,yy);
          port map( xx,yy,clock,cb,ss,car);

-- output assignment
  zz <= ss;
   carry<= car; 
 end behavior;

--This is the controller of Fibonacci processor
--   Input is clock;
--  Output is c1,c2,c3,c4;
library mgc_portable, WORK;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;
use WORK.all;

-- Bellow is the entity of controller

entity FIBO_CONTL2 is 
   port ( clock:        in qsim_state;
           p1:    in qsim_state;
          ca,cb,cc,cd: out qsim_state);

architecture BEHAVIOR of FIBO_CONTL2 is 

    signal q1,q2:  qsim_state:='0';
    signal qn2,qn1: qsim_state:='1';
    signal d1, d2:         qsim_state;
   component Flip_Flop
      port( clk, D: in qsim_state;
            Q, Qn:  out qsim_state);
     end component;


    controller : process
    wait on clock;
     if (clock'event and (clock = '1') and (clock'last_value = '0')) then
     d1 <= (q1 and qn2) or ( not p1 and qn1 and q2 );
     d2 <= q1  or   qn2;
     ca <= qn1 and  qn2;
     cb <= qn1 and  q2 ;
     cc <= q1  and  qn2;
     cd <= q1  and  q2 ;

    end if; 
   wait for 5ns;
   end process;

 next_s: process
    wait until clock'event and clock='1';  
     qn1<= not d1;
     q2<= d2;
     qn2<= not d2;
  end process;

  end BEHAVIOR ; 

--This is entity for register controll

library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity regst is 
  port( clock: in qsim_state;
        conl1,conl2:  in qsim_state; 
        xx1,xx2:    in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
        yy:   out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7));
  end regst;

architecture behavior of regst is 
   regst :process
    wait until clock'event and clock ='1';
   if ( conl1='1')then
     yy<= xx1;
  end if;
  end process;
end behavior;

--This is a adder entity for 8-bit vector
library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity add8 is 
  port ( aa,bb: in qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
         clock: in qsim_state;
          conl: in qsim_state;
         sum:  out qsim_state_vector(0 to 7);
         carry: out qsim_state     );
   end add8;

architecture behavior of add8 is

variable ca : qsim_state:='0';
variable xx,yy,ss: qsim_state_vector(7 downto 0);
  wait until clock'event and clock ='1';
 wait until clock'event and clock='1';
if (conl='1')then
 for i in 0 to 7 loop

 ss(i) := (xx(i) xor yy(i)) xor ca;
ca := ((xx(i) and yy(i)) or (xx(i) and ca) or (yy(i) and ca));
  end loop; 
 end if;
wait until clock'event and clock ='1';
  carry <= ca;
end process;
 end behavior;

--this is a entity of clock delay
library mgc_portable;
use mgc_portable.qsim_logic.all;

entity delay is 
 port( clock: in qsim_state;
       clko: out qsim_state);
  end delay;

architecture behavior of delay is
  signal dd: qsim_state;

   wait until clock'event and clock ='1';
   clko<= '0';
   for i in 0 to 1 loop
     wait until clock'event and clock='1';
     end loop;
for i in 0 to 1 loop
     wait until clock'event and clock='1';
     end loop;
  end process;
 end behavior;