1. Find a machine with a minimum number of states which is equivalent to the machine from Fig.1.
    a) Draw a triangle table and fill it.
    b) Find maximum compatible groups.
    c) Draw an implication graph of compatible groups and find a minimal closed and complete subgraph.
    d) Draw a state table of the reduced machine.
    e) Draw a state graph of the reduced machine.
    Fig. 1. Fig. 2
  2. a) Find the state table of the machine specified by a circuit from Fig. 2.
    b) What is the response of this machine to a sequence 00, 01, 11, 10, starting from any of stable states that will permit to apply such a sequence.
    c) Is the answer unique?

    Fig. 3. Fig. 4.

  3. Find a realization with NOR gates of an asynchronous machine from Fig. 3.

    a) Find a state assignment.

    b) If necessary - remove essential hazards by introducing noncritical races (remember about nonstable states in the table).

    c) Find correct output signal values for output don't cares.

    d) Remove static hazard from realization.

    e) Draw schematic with NOR gates and feedback loops.

  4. a) Find a final (reduced) state table of a synchronous machine that produces value 1 on the output when the initial sequence is 00, 01, 11, 10.
    b) Find a final (reduced) state table of an asynchronous machine that produces value 1 on the output when the initial sequence is 00, 01, 11, 10.